
The Worst Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With Your Twin Flame

The worst relationship of your life will be with your twin flame because you will already be anticipating a relationship full of excitement and passion, but it isn’t what you’ll get. You’ve read the stories of how twin flames can be so powerful, yet you’re also aware that many are filled with distance, tension, and so much pain. You’ll hold tight to this person you are beyond certain you can’t live without and put up with so much suffering because you feel so deeply connected to them. You will tell yourself that this is the price you have to pay to be with this person, putting up with whatever the relationship throws at you, even if it’s unhealthy and toxic at times. 

The worst relationship of your life will be with your twin flame because you will be certain that this is the person that you are supposed to end up with and will therefore do anything to make it work—even if it means sacrificing yourself in the process. At their best, twin flames are supposed to help you grow, help you become a better version of yourself—but they also mirror our worst flaws and insecurities, the things we hate about ourselves. When you’re still trying to heal, those realizations can make you hate each other, because you can’t hide your worst qualities from them. They will pull away from you when you’re becoming too clingy, call you out for your possessiveness and jealousy, and make you angry in ways you never thought possible. You will expect that this person will just get you, which will lead to your happiness, but the truth is they completely see you in all your good and horrible traits.

The worst relationship of your life will be with your twin flame because it wasn’t always meant to be a happily ever after relationship. It isn’t even meant to be a peaceful one. It’s meant to force your growth, to help you change and move past your terrible habits and open wounds, which requires much more heavy introspection and self-awareness than many want to face. You may find yourself longing for the passion that is glamorized in these relationships, and it will sometimes show up in your connection—but you won’t be able to keep it. You’ll deal with more pain than pleasure, and it will be hard to wrap your mind around it.

The worst relationship of your life will be with your twin flame because one of you will always feel the need to run away. Twin flames often go through separation—and usually more than once. The feelings get too real, the wounds are too fresh, and the need for growth from each person is obvious, and it will feel like too much. One person will usually feel the need to cut loose and leave, while the other will want to cling to the person and the idea of the relationship. No matter which side you’re on, it’s a painful experience that doesn’t get easier with time. They won’t be able to give you the security and reassurance you want or crave, and it will take its toll on you. 

The worst relationship of your life will be with your twin flame because you will feel drawn back to them, and you won’t understand why. You will be sure that this constant attraction is a sign that they are meant to be with you—and will feel your heart shatter once you realize that isn’t always the case. You’ll feel confused and insecure more than you want, not because this person wants to make you feel like this, but because it’s practically unavoidable. This person doesn’t know how not to challenge you, to make you confront the things you can’t stand about yourself. If you aren’t ready or willing to do the work to fix those things, then the relationship becomes a hostile, resentful situation.

The worst relationship of your life will be with your twin flame because it may not be your twin flame at all—it may be a tumultuous, devastating, toxic connection that you’ve grown so familiar with, you assign the label to it so that you can keep it close. You have read the lists online that talk about what twin flames are, and you decide that the relationship you’re in—with all its drama, intensity, and constant breakups—must be one. It will lead you to think that the horrible habits in your relationship are simply natural side effects of a cosmic connection, and you’ll find every excuse to hold onto it, even when you should let it go.

The worst relationship of your life will be with your twin flame, simply because the relationship was never meant to help you find your soulmate or the love of your life—it was meant to help you grow. Growth is often painful and uncomfortable, and it’s amplified even more with twin flames. While growth itself isn’t a bad thing, it is the only true point of twin flames, and it’s easy to forget that and try to prioritize the relationship itself, which can lead to constant disappointment. It will only be once you’ve learned all the lessons you needed from them that you’ll be able to see everything for what it was—and if you refuse to learn those lessons? Your relationship will continue to be full of heartbreak, no matter how much you try to avoid it.

Because in the end, twin flames aren’t for the hopeless romantic or the daydreamers. They are meant for those ready to do the difficult, dirty, messy work of undoing themselves and growing into the best possible version of themselves they can be. And for those who don’t realize this or don’t want to undergo that process, it will always spell doom for the relationship. 

So be careful when you wish for a twin flame or desire to apply the label to your relationships—because you may end up with a type of relationship you never asked for.