Savannah Dematteo

These 4 Zodiacs Could Meet Their Soulmate During 2024 Jupiter + Uranus Conjunction (4/20)


With the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction occurring directly in your sign, Taurus, you will especially feel the effect of it. What a big and spectacular way to start your season off. Aries season was a certified mess, and honestly, you might be in a place right now where life looks completely different than it did before. As if this isn’t at all where you planned to be, but for one reason or another you are here? But it is in these moments of uncertainty where surprises are in store. As you follow this new path and navigate forward, you might find that a certain connection or acquaintance you’ve had for some time takes on a new emotional form. As upside down as your world may be, and as focused on yourself and what you need to do as you are, this connection is worth it. It could help you grow into your new life ahead. 


With Jupiter as your ruling planet and the strong impacts the total solar eclipse that happened on April 8th had on your love sector, expect the unexpected. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth, healing, prosperity, and good fortune. With that said, there may be a lot of emphasis on your love life and the way you connect with those around you. You may find yourself developing a new budding relationship or nurturing an existing one in a way where you both find your love is feeling refreshed and renewed. Like the first time all over again. 


With Uranus as your ruling planet, your second house is highlighted by Venus at the start of April, and you may find that someone you’ve known for quite some time nuzzles their way into your heart in a way you never saw coming to Aquarius. Typically you’re the one who’s always on the run. Hard to pin down. You don’t often find yourself settling in one place for long. But with Uranus, the planet of unexpected shocks, conducting with Jupiter, the planet of expansion and healing, this person may help you bring down walls you never knew you had up to begin with, Aquarius. 


You might have been seeing this person for some time now, Pisces, unsure of where this connection may be leading. Since the start of the Spring Equinox, Venus has gone through your sign, affecting the way others perceive you, thus your magnetism has been at an all-time high. With Jupiter, the planet of expansion, good fortune, and miracles, this connection you’ve slowly been nurturing may reach new heights. This may feel like an a-ha moment, where suddenly you understand exactly why they entered your life in the first place.