This Is What Breaking A Heart Feels Like

This Is What Breaking A Heart Feels Like

Breaking a heart is never easy – especially when the other person has a soft heart, when you’ve been through a lot together, when you don’t want to see them cry. But since they’re such a gentle soul, you know that you wouldn’t be breaking their heart if there were any other way, if you thought the relationship could work out, if you were genuinely happy.

Remember, even though it sucks to have your heart broken, breaking a heart can be just as painful. After all, you don’t want to be the bad guy. You don’t want to cause pain. You don’t want to break bad news. You might spend a while second guessing yourself, or you might try to procrastinate. You might come up with excuses to wait until tomorrow, next week, next month. You might feel like now isn’t the right time, like there will be a better moment to do what you’ve been waiting to do. But waiting is only prolonging your pain, and tricking this person into believing everything is okay. Even though it hurts to hurt them, you don’t want to lie to them either. You don’t want to string them along and make them fall even harder for you when you know your relationship isn’t meant to last. You don’t want to accidentally end up hurting them worse when you’re trying to spare them pain. You don’t want your kindness to backfire on you.

Sometimes, the hardest choice is the right choice. It’s the choice that is best for both parties, even though it might feel painful in the moment. At the end of the day, you have to do what is best for yourself. You cannot let your guilt keep you in the wrong relationship. You cannot convince yourself that you’re obligated to stay because this person has done so much for you. You can’t pretend that you’re completely fine when you’re suffering on the inside. That isn’t fair to you – and it isn’t fair to them either. They deserve someone excited to see them, someone who matches their energy and is able to give them everything they deserve. And you deserve the same. You deserve to feel elated when a certain name lights up your phone. You deserve to feel comfortable and safe and content with the person you’re calling your own.

Even though it hurts to break a heart, it’s something you have to do if you’re in the wrong relationship. And don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not allowed to be upset over the situation. No, this might not hurt you as badly as it’s going to hurt the other person, but it’s still not easy for you. You aren’t getting any joy out of the situation. You aren’t happy to make this decision. But you have no other choice. You have to do what is best for the both of you – and that’s giving yourselves the opportunity to find the right person. A person who would never dream of breaking your heart.