Khoa Võ

This Is Why You Never Feel Good Enough

It’s so easy to feel as though you’re not doing enough, as though someone else out there is doing more, as though someone else out there is better than you. It’s so easy. It’s all around us.

We judge ourselves for not being where we want to be right now. We’re a click away or a scroll away from seeing someone who is far more “successful” or happier than us. We judge ourselves for not being in the same place as them. We feel guilty for not feeling the way we think we’re supposed to. And in turn, we find ourselves never content, never satisfied with who we are in this moment now.

We judge ourselves by comparing ourselves to our past or our future selves by saying things like, “I was so happy back then,” or, “When I finally achieve XYZ, then I’ll feel complete.” We judge ourselves for not being happy now in this moment. We place our happiness on a proverbial pedestal. In other words, we don’t think we’re good enough now. We don’t think we have what we need now to be happy or successful in our own eyes.

We judge ourselves for making mistakes. For perhaps making a wrong decision in a moment when you were doing the best that you could. For making a mistake because you’ve made a lot of them in your life. But so have we all. It’s what makes us human. It’s what connects us all. It’s what may not be on display for others to see but inherently becomes a part of us whether we realize it or not. Because true “perfection” doesn’t exist. Or perhaps it does and imperfection is actually its truest form.

We judge ourselves because things didn’t work out the way we wanted. Perhaps we had a vision in our mind and your reality couldn’t quite live up to your unrealistic expectations. That doesn’t mean that you failed or you aren’t good enough. It simply means that there’s something better right around the corner waiting for you on the other side. So be patient. There’s a plan for each of us and there’s no need to feel less than worthy because it didn’t arrive when you wanted.

We judge ourselves for not healing when we want to. Whether something or someone hurt you in the past, you had an idea about your healing process. You thought it was a straight line. You wonder why you’re still not quite ‘feeling’ yourself. That’s okay. You are still good enough, even though you maybe don’t feel like you are right now. You are always good enough just as you are. There is no need to rush; there is no need to want anything different. Your journey is your own and so is your healing.

Sometimes, in the midst of whatever is going on in our lives, it’s so easy to feel not good enough. But make the hard choice. Make the hard choice to see yourself for who you really are. Make the hard choice to feel worthy and loved. Make the hard choice to choose yourself during difficult times because it will make all the difference in how your life goes from there.

You are good enough. You always were and you always will be.