This Is Your Biggest Relationship Strength, Based On Your Birth Order

This Is Your Biggest Relationship Strength, Based On Your Birth Order

Only Child

Your biggest relationship strength is your consistency and dependability. You are never going to let your partner down because you believe in the value of hard work. You are willing and eager to do whatever it takes to keep the relationship healthy. You aren’t going to slack on your responsibilities because you are organized and efficient. You aren’t the type to break promises either because your word is your bond. When you make plans with your partner, you are going to follow through. They can depend on you and trust you not to hurt them or abandon them. They know you will always be there. Always.

Oldest Child

Your biggest relationship strength is your ability to handle stressful situations without breaking a sweat or spiraling into a tantrum. You are able to keep calm, cool, and collected under the most intense circumstances because you’re used to playing the role of leader. Whenever your partner is stressing, you are able to take control of the situation and help them come to a solution that will make them feel comfortable. You’ll also know the right words to use to calm them down and remind them everything is going to be okay. You are a source of strength and comfort in good times and bad.

Middle Child

Your biggest relationship strength is your flexibility and positivity. It doesn’t matter what is thrown at you because you’re going to find a way to get through it–and grow from it. Even when your partner is going through a terrible time, you will be their light in the darkness. You will uplift them and get them laughing again. Knowing that you’re in their corner is going to be a huge help, but your adaptability is also a plus. Since you’re able to adjust to new situations quickly, you are rarely thrown off balance. You have a good head on your shoulders and use it to help your partners regain their footing when life is hectic.

Youngest Child

Your biggest relationship strength is your empathy and thoughtfulness. You are always thinking about ways to make your partner happy because their happiness is your happiness. You want to do right by them–and that’s what makes you such a wonderful partner. You aren’t thinking selfishly. You’re thinking as part of a team. You’re taking your partner’s opinion into consideration every step of the way. You genuinely want the best for the relationship so you put tenderness and care into everything that you do. Plus, you aren’t afraid to express your vulnerable side, which makes your partners feel comfortable opening up to you. They know they can trust you with any secret, big or small.


Your biggest relationship strength is your unfiltered honesty. You aren’t going to tell little white lies or omit information in order to get your way in the relationship. You are going to be honest, even when it’s awkward or uncomfortable. Your person can trust that whatever you tell them is the truth because you always speak with openness and transparency. You know the relationship would suffer if there were secrets between you, so you won’t allow that to happen. Your person can rest easy knowing that you’re being straightforward with them and there will never be any mind games occurring.