Rheza Aulia

To The Friends I Never Get To See: Even When I Don’t Call Or Text, I’m Still Thinking Of You

When we were young, our houses were on the same street and we went to the same school. If we wanted to see each other, we only had to walk a little ways or wait until the next class. But as we grew up, one by one, we left the neighborhood for other cities and other states. When the time came to inevitably hug our tearful goodbyes, we’d promise that we would call or write. 

Sometimes, we would even call each other’s house phone. 

I loved that as we got older and started driving, we were able to see each other again. But those brief moments of reunion were bittersweet. We had to plan around college, work, and life. Because we didn’t live near each other like we used to all those years ago, someone at the end of the day would eventually have to say goodbye.

We were overjoyed when we got cell phones because we were able to stay in touch more easily but the ache from missing you never really went away. Being able to speak to you when I was going through a tough time but not being able to see you was hard. When we had kids, we were able to share in the joys and frustrations of motherhood and even went on vacation together. 

I treasure all of our memories together, even though they are few and far between now. I think of you even when I don’t call or text. I miss you in the simple things, like eating breakfast on the kitchen counter. Somedays I wish I could walk down the street and hug you like I used to. I want you to know that I love you and am so proud of you, even when I’m not there to remind you. And I hope, sometimes, you think of me too.