Underrated Love Languages That Are Actually More Meaningful Than The Big 5
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Underrated Love Languages That Are Actually More Meaningful Than The Big 5

The five official love languages are words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service, and receiving gifts. However, you might be drawn to partners for a different reason. Here are five more potential love languages that should be added to the conversation:


Some people are never going to feel comfortable in a relationship unless there’s consistency. Unless they know that they can rely on their partner to show up whenever they’re called. These people need a partner who is going to follow through on their word, who always means what they say, who rarely cancels plans or breaks a promise. If someone is too unpredictable or sends too many mixed signals, then a relationship is never going to work out.

Sense of Humor

Some people are never going to feel comfortable in a relationship unless their senses of humor are compatible, unless they can make each other burst out laughing on a daily basis. These people need someone who is going to make them giggle without trying, who will always be able to cheer them up when they’re in a bad mood, who will find little ways to make them smile when they least expect it. If they can’t laugh together, if they can’t consider each other friends as well as partners, then the relationship is never going to work.

Shared Interests

Some people are never going to feel comfortable in a relationship unless there are overleaping interests. Unless they can talk to each other about their favorite movies, shows, and music. Unless they can engage in niche hobbies together and attend events together. They don’t need someone who is exactly the same as them, but they need someone who is open to experiences with them. If someone makes fun of their interests and refuses to give them a chance, then a relationship is never going to last.


Some people are never going to feel comfortable in a relationship unless there is a strong sense of trust on both sides. They need to feel confident that their partner is never going to betray them, that they’re the only one their partner has any romantic interest in. It’s also important that their partner trusts them and isn’t throwing out false accusations. If they feel the need to snoop on their partner to prove they’re loyal and can’t believe a word out of their mouth, the relationship is never going to work.

Ease and Comfort

Some people are never going to feel comfortable in a relationship unless they are free to be themselves. They need a partner who never pressures them or judges them, who never insults them or disrespects their opinions. They need someone who they feel entirely comfortable speaking to about any subject, who encourages them and supports them, and who makes them feel entirely safe in their presence. If they feel like they need to play pretend around their partner to impress them or lie to keep the peace, then a relationship is never going to last.