What Every Zodiac Sign Needs To Hear Before April 1
If you have the chance to choose between hope and cynicism, always choose hope. The world can be a dark place but we have the power to bring back the light—but only if we believe we do. Have faith that you can help create a better world.
Be careful not to fall in love with potential. Someone can check every box and be everything you thought you ever wanted but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re right for you. When it comes to love, make sure you’re choosing with your heart, not just your brain.
You cannot do and be everything. Sometimes you have to give up on what you thought you always wanted to find what truly makes you happy. Don’t beat yourself up for not having the capacity to be every version of yourself at once—no one can do that. Just do the best you can with the version you are.
It’s not always your job to fix the damage. Sometimes you have to let others mess up on their own, then learn how to clean their own messes. That doesn’t make you cruel or unsympathetic, it just means you’re setting boundaries and letting people grow through their own mistakes. It’s time you focused on your own growth anyway.
Love isn’t about breaking yourself into palatable pieces. It’s not about shrinking yourself down or embodying an ideal. Love is about being everything you are—even if it feels too much or too little or just never the right amount—and finding someone who wants exactly what you have to offer. There will always be people who love you for exactly who you are, but you’ll never come to realize that if you never let them see you for you.
Not everyone is going to play by your life rules. That’s because life doesn’t have rules. You can’t judge people for not reaching your standards because all those things that matter most to us—success, happiness, love—are all objective. Learn to let people be who they are and let them go if you truly can’t handle it.
Life is an adventure if you let it be one. You don’t have to wait till the right time or place or even the right opportunity. Go out in search of the things that make your life feel magical and meaningful—not later, but now. It all begins when you decide it does.
Stop beating yourself up over that one thing that you did. Stop judging yourself for the things that happened to you. Everything is always clearer in hindsight, isn’t it? But remember that at the time, you were doing the best you could with the information you had. Remember that at the time, you were simply human, and humans make mistakes. Self-forgiveness begins with this realization.
Let people meet the most authentic version of yourself. You’ve worked hard to become the person that you are today. You’ve done the work to heal, to grow. Let yourself shine in all your glory. Be proud of what you’ve done.
You can’t turn back the clock. You can keep trying to walk backwards but it’s not going to bring you back to where you started. There is only now, and there is only forward. You can’t change what was, but you have the power to decide what’s next, and in the end, that’s what matters most of all.
I hope you remember that this matters. All of this, every moment. What you’re feeling now matters. What you’re doing matters. You matter. It’s easy to forget that when you’re caught up in the rush of the world. Never let any of it stop mattering to you.
Stop giving pieces of yourself to people who are only going to break your heart. Your pain doesn’t make your love any more important. Save yourself for the people who show up, who care about what you think and feel, who want more for you than you may even want for yourself. Your love is too precious to waste it on anything else.