Néo Rioux

What These 3 Signs Need To Heal Under The New Moon in Cancer

As the New Moon moves into Cancer on June 5th, it’s a powerful time for healing and introspection. Cancer, ruled by the moon, brings nurturing and emotional energy, making it the perfect time to focus on self-care and inner healing.

This New Moon is calling out to three specific zodiac signs, urging them to address and heal deep-seated wounds. Let’s dive into which signs need to embrace this healing energy and how they can do it.


Gemini, beneath that lively exterior, you often hide insecurities. This New Moon in Cancer is urging you to heal these insecurities before seeking someone else to fill the void. It’s time to stop looking for external validation and start giving yourself the love you truly deserve.

You might find yourself relying on relationships to patch up emotional wounds. However, true love and connection come from a place of self-acceptance and inner peace. Use this lunar phase to engage in self-love practices. Spend time journaling about your strengths and accomplishments. Affirmations can be powerful too—remind yourself daily that you are worthy of love and acceptance just as you are.

Healing Tip: Set aside time each day for a self-love ritual. This could be a morning affirmation practice, a soothing bath with healing crystals, or simply writing down things you appreciate about yourself. The goal is to reinforce your own worth and build a solid foundation of self-love.


Libra, your desire for connection often leads you to seek validation from your partners, sometimes at the expense of your own sense of self. This New Moon in Cancer is a call to heal your anxious attachment style in love. It’s time to find strength within yourself rather than relying on external validation.

You may have a tendency to compromise too much to keep the peace in your relationships, but this often leaves you feeling unfulfilled and anxious. Focus on building a strong sense of self and independence. Practice mindfulness and meditation to center yourself and reduce anxiety. Remember, a healthy relationship starts with a healthy you.

Healing Tip: Practice self-soothing techniques when you feel anxious. This could be deep breathing exercises, grounding techniques, or even engaging in a hobby that brings you joy and peace. Strengthening your self-reliance will make your relationships more balanced and fulfilling.


Capricorn, your drive and ambition are unmatched, but this often comes with a worthiness wound—feeling like you need to do more, be more, and say more to prove your value, especially at work or in your business. The New Moon in Cancer is inviting you to heal this wound and recognize that you are exactly where you need to be.

You are magnetic and powerful just as you are. It’s time to stop doubting your worth and start embracing your true, authentic self. Reflect on your achievements and allow yourself to feel proud without the nagging need to always do more. Trust that your efforts are enough and that you deserve recognition and success without constantly striving for perfection.

Healing Tip: Create a gratitude journal specifically for your achievements at work or your wins in your business. Write down everything you’re proud of, no matter how small. Reflect on these entries regularly to remind yourself of your worth and progress. This practice will help you build a stronger sense of self-worth and ease the pressure you place on yourself.