What You Should Release During This Week’s Full Moon (11/15), Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot
Your Card: Seven of Pentacles
The Full Moon in Taurus shines a light on your Second House of money, security, and resources. It’s a wake-up call to get more in control of your finances and reassess your efforts and progress. Release any procrastination in regards to your income and budgeting. If you want to have economic health, you must learn to plan and persevere to make progress. Set a goal and work hard for it over the next six months. Take stock of your growth, then, and reevaluate your approach if needed. This lunation is also for letting go of the fear of negotiating based on your worth. Feel like you’re owed a raise? Advocate for yourself and have that talk with your boss.
Your Card: The Hermit, reversed
The Hermit in reverse indicates a pattern of being disconnected, lonely, and sheltered. You’ve been keeping to yourself to an unhealthy degree. This Full Moon, let go of isolation and solitude, Taurus. With the lunation in your sign, a swirl of action is going to come your way. Whether you like it or not, it’s time to reemerge into the world. The Supermoon activates your First House of self and new beginnings, so stop shying away from stepping into a new era. Get out there and embody the person you want to become. Work on the image of yourself you want to present to the world. Take risks. Chase what’s important to you. Stop making yourself smaller.
Your Card: Queen of Cups, reversed
The Queen of Cups appears in reverse as the Full Moon sails through your Twelfth House, indicating a time for emotional release. This is the sector of your chart that governs over the subconscious, healing, intuition, closure, fears, solitude, and dreams. Spend time alone before, during, and after this lunation. Use this period to surrender to any profound emotions that still linger within you. Stop bottling them up and denying their existence. Process them. Let go of old wounds that confine you and keep you guarded. Grieve what you must. Heal what you must. Find the harmony and emotional stability you’re currently missing.
Your Card: Ace of Wands, reversed
Drawing the Ace of Wands in reverse indicates that you currently find yourself in some sort of rut or slump. As much as you want to achieve for yourself or create something great, you simply are just stuck. Use this Full Moon to release both your impatience and hesitation. Give yourself time to find your spark again. The best way to do this is to go out into the world and find inspiration again. With Luna in your Eleventh House of friendship and networking, fill up your social calendar. You’d be surprised at how socializing could get you motivated again. This sector in your chart also governs your hopes and wishes. Whatever stands in the way of you pursuing your aspirations, be it toxic patterns or self-limiting beliefs, let it go under this lunation.
Your Card: The Hierophant
With the Supermoon in Taurus illuminating your Tenth House, The Hierophant wants to remind you of the importance of leadership, tradition, knowledge, learning, and inner guidance. Right now, the spotlight is on your sector that governs aspects like career, reputation, legacy, success, and power—things that feed your self-worth, purpose, and fulfillment. What you need to let go of right now is aimlessness, procrastination, and hesitation. Implement more discipline and take charge of your own vocation in life. Take this card’s advice and use tried-and-true methods, the lessons that have been handed to you, and your own wisdom to achieve our goals.
Your Card: Six of Wands, reversed
What’s got you feeling so down, Virgo? The Six of Wands indicates an erosion to your self-esteem. You experienced something or are going through a situation that has caused you to lose doubt in your abilities. This Full Moon, release your insecurities and self-doubt. Forcing yourself to step outside your comfort zone, while terrifying, can be just what you need to regain your confidence. As the Supermoon activates your expansive Ninth House of adventure, higher learning, and worldview, now’s a great time to do just that. Do something new, go somewhere new, connect with someone new, learn something new, embrace new possibilities. Prioritize new experiences that might change your perspective. Putting yourself in uncomfortable situations isn’t always a bad thing. Exploring will help you discover new things about yourself and restore the faith in yourself.
Your Card: Six of Swords
The Six of Swords is a card that represents transition, positive changes, moving forward, and leaving the old behind. It reminds you not to be resistant to life’s flow and embrace the shifts you know to be necessary. Keep this in mind as your Eighth House of death, rebirth, emotional bonds, and supplementary income is electrified under this lunation. For you, this Full Moon is all about letting go—relationships and situations that don’t add worth to your life, toxic dynamis, old patterns, self-limiting beliefs, unhealthy attachments, bad spending and saving habits, the past. This Supermoon could be a deeply transformative one for you, if you let it. Get serious about releasing all that confines you and keeps you from becoming who you want to be. There’s no room for it in your new chapter.
Your Card: Ten of Wands, reversed
Take a step back during the Supermoon in Taurus and be brutally honest with yourself about the imbalance you need to release from your life. The Ten of Wands in reverse shows that you’re currently weighed down by heavy burdens and need to work at reinstating equilibrium. Take note of what in your current workload needs to go. If it doesn’t add value to your life, if it can be delegated, if it’s simply not your problem, if it’s not a priority, if it can wait for later, take it off your list. Brainstorm a more balanced approach to your responsibilities. Think of self-care practices to implement to keep you accountable in your mental health. With your Seventh House of harmonious unions and partnerships lit up, spending time with those who matter most can help get you recentered during this Full Moon.
Your Card: Knight of Wands
The Knight of Wands is calling on you to embrace your passions, entertain your dreams, and give yourself permission to follow your heart. In order to do this, you must let go of stagnation and hesitation. With the spotlight on your Sixth House of daily routine and wellness, think about what changes you need to make in your everyday life to get you out of a static place into one with more progress. Free yourself from bad habits, vices, and confining mentalities. Have the courage to take action. This means having clear intentions, working towards your goals on a daily basis, and not neglecting your mental and emotional health in the process. Follow your inspiration and instincts, even when you’re not sure where they will lead you. Release your fears. It’s time for bold steps.
Your Card: Queen of Pentacles
As the Full Moon makes its way through your Fifth House of creativity, self-expression, passion, and romance, the Queen of Pentacles asks you to reflect on how you can better nurture these aspects. This card is all about abundance, prosperity, and prolonged effort. Whatever stands in the way of you embracing any and all kinds of pleasures, let it go. Stop being afraid of embracing new hobbies or following your inspiration. Fearlessly create and have the courage to share your talents with others. When it comes to love, don’t hold back from expressing what’s in your heart. Go after what or who you desire. The Queen of Pentacles wants you to take care of yourself, pursue joy, release the fears standing in your way.
Your Card: Six of Cups, reversed
The Supermoon lands in your Fourth House of home, family, and history, pushing you to cultivate peace within you and in the space in which you reside. The best way to do this is to grant yourself the kindness of finally releasing the past. The Six of Cups in reverse shows that you’re having a hard time moving forward because there’s something you’re still clinging on tightly to. Letting it go is the only way to foster the stability, harmony, and joy you seek. It’s also the biggest favor you can do for your inner-child who still needs healing. Create more mental and emotional space for what and who are truly meant for you. Declutter your life and leave some memories and people where they belong.
Your Card: King of Cups
The King of Cups urges you to let go of the intense feelings that consume you. It’s time to let them out and put them down somewhere. This card indicates that you’re currently in an emotionally charged situation. If you don’t get a hold of it, it might just sink you. With your zone of communication empowered during the Full Moon, it’s time to express yourself. Instead of avoiding how someone made you feel, tell them. If you need to simply vent or reach out for help, lean on a trusted one. You can’t get someone out of your head and heart? Confess your feelings. Remember to give yourself and others grace. Approach things from a level-headed perspective.