Why It Takes You So Long To Heal From Heartbreak, Based On Your Birth Order
Only Child
It takes you a long time to heal from heartbreak because you don’t fall for just anyone. When you’re in love, it’s serious. You grow attached to this person. You turn them into your whole world. So when they’re gone, it’s hard to stomach the change. You aren’t used to living without them because you tied your identities together too tightly. You aren’t sure what you’re supposed to do without them, so it takes a while for you to adjust to being alone again. To making all your own decisions and maintaining your own identity.
Oldest Child
It takes you a long time to heal from heartbreak because you’re an overthinker. It’s hard for you to accept that a relationship is over, especially when you didn’t see the end coming. You have a ton of questions — and most of them will never get answered. That’s why you spend a lot of time sitting in bed, wondering where it all went wrong, wondering whether there was something you could have done to change things. You latch onto the idea of finding closure, but you might never get it. You’re going to have to move on with or without answers, but that’s hard for you to stomach.
Middle Child
It takes you a long time to heal from heartbreak because you won’t always take the proper steps to deal with it. You would rather distract yourself with work or partying, video games or TV show marathons. You’ll do whatever you can to get your ex off your mind — but that means waiting longer to get over the heartbreak. If you refuse to process it, you won’t be able to learn and grow and move on. You need to let a little of the pain in and accept what happened or you’re going to be stuck on the same person for years and years.
Youngest Child
It takes you a long time to heal from heartbreak because you wear your heart on your sleeve. You aren’t going to pretend that everything is fine when you’re suffering on the inside. You’re going to cry when you feel the tears coming on instead of holding back. You’re going to rant about your ex to your friends and family and anyone else who will listen. You are going to let yourself feel this heartbreak intensely because you feel like it’s the best way to get closure. But since this pain is constant, it feels like the heartache is taking a long time to go away. It feels like it might never end — but it will.
It takes you a long time to heal from heartbreak because you usually don’t cut contact right away. You trick yourself into believing that the two of you are capable of staying friends — or you might even believe that you’re going to get back together eventually and this breakup is only a blip on the radar. Since your ex isn’t out of sight, it’s hard to get them off of your mind. Even if you aren’t hanging out with them in person or texting them nonstop, you’re always seeing their posts (and watching their stories and looking through old pictures), so it’s hard for you to get over your heartbreak.