Why You Should Expect More Than The Bare Minimum, Based On Your Birth Month

Why You Should Expect More Than The Bare Minimum, Based On Your Birth Month


You should expect more than the bare minimum because you’re happy on your own. If you’re going to go through the trouble of entering a relationship, it might as well be with someone who is worth the trouble, someone who is willing to go above and beyond for you. Otherwise, you might as well stay single.


You should expect more than the bare minimum because you have a soft heart. You can’t deal with mixed signals and uncertainty — and you shouldn’t have to. You should be with someone who is honest with you, who brings out the best in you, who treats you the way you deserve from day one.


You should expect more than the bare minimum because your standards have been low for way too long. You have accepted unfair treatment in the past, and it’s time for that to end. History doesn’t have to repeat itself. Demand more moving forward because you deserve it.


You should expect more than the bare minimum because your skepticism is lying to you. There are good people out there. There are healthy relationships and consistent, reliable partners. You might have to wait a little longer to find them, but they exist.


You should expect more than the bare minimum because you are willing to do the maximum. You are eager to do anything you possibly can for the people that you love, and you don’t want the relationship to be lopsided. You don’t want to be doing all the work. It should be equal.


You should expect more than the bare minimum because what you accept early on in the relationship sets the tone for the rest of the relationship. You can’t expect people to change over time because that rarely happens. If this person is treating you poorly now, they’ll be treating you poorly ten years from now.


You should expect more than the bare minimum because you give more than the bare minimum. Whenever you fall for someone, you give them your entire heart. You put in a ton of effort and you deserve someone who does the same.


You should expect more than the bare minimum because you aren’t going to be satisfied with someone who only comes around every once in a while, who you have to beg to treat you halfway decent. You don’t want to be in a relationship just so you can say you’re in one. You want someone you can really count on, someone who gives you everything you need.


You should expect more than the bare minimum because your time is too precious to waste. You have better things to do than teach someone how to treat you. You can spend your time on more productive things, on your passions and friendships and hobbies.


You should expect more than the bare minimum because you want to set a good example for those around you. You would never want your loved ones to settle for poor treatment — so why would you settle for it? You need to treat yourself the way you would treat others.


You should expect more than the bare minimum because it’s more important to be happy than to be in a relationship. You don’t need a toxic love. You don’t need a partner who brings you down. You’re better off staying single until you can find someone who actually rises to meet your standards.


You should expect more than the bare minimum because you are a catch. You have been selling yourself short for too long. You have been taking what you can get because you assume that’s the best you’ll ever do. You need to raise your confidence. Accept that you deserve more.