Elina Sazonova

You Deserve To Be Loved Unapologetically And All The Way Through

You deserve to be loved by someone who isn’t afraid to show up for you. You deserve to be loved by someone who isn’t burdened by your presence, someone who doesn’t feel like it’s a chore to communicate with you.

You deserve to be loved unapologetically and all the way through.

I know it feels like every relationship you’ve tried so far has failed. You stay up at night wondering what’s wrong with you. You wonder when you’ll be healed enough to attract the relationship you want. You think that maybe the type of deep, free, and steady love you desire isn’t meant for you. Know that love is absolutely yours.

We all have a past. No one is in the state where they are now ‘perfect’ enough to be loved. There isn’t some test you have to pass before you become worthy of love. It doesn’t work that way.

Yes, it’s your responsibility to heal along the way so you can show up as the person best suited to enjoy your life. It’s your responsibility to heal so that without a doubt you can walk away from those who do not know how to love you. It’s your responsibility to heal, not so you can finally prove to someone that you’re worthy of their time or affection, but so you never lose sight of the fact that you were always worthy despite all that you went through.

You deserve to be loved unapologetically and all the way through. You deserve to feel safe around the people closest to you. You are supposed to feel safe around the people closest to you. If not, you need to go where you do. You deserve to be seen for who you are, not who others wished you would be.

You deserve to be given the time of day and to be spoken to in more than grunts, silence, or sighs. You deserve someone who is not afraid to show you off and say, “Yes, this is my woman!”

You deserve to be given grace on the days you don’t feel like yourself instead of being dismissed. I know you don’t want to be alone, but don’t settle for a relationship where you’re alone anyway. Wait for the love that is tender towards you. You deserve to be loved unapologetically and all the way through.