You’ll Lose Her Forever If You Make These 7 Bare Minimum Mistakes
Relationships require effort. You can’t skate through them while doing the bare minimum or she’s going to break up with you eventually. Here are some mistakes that will make you lose her forever:
Not showing enthusiasm over her interests. There’s a huge difference between going to concerts and movies with her while keeping an open mind – and going while complaining the whole time and making her experience miserable. Just showing up isn’t enough. If you are going to bring her down, then she isn’t going to want to invite you out anymore. You don’t want to ruin activities and events that she was excited about by acting like you’re above it all or like it’s an inconvenience to you.
Not prioritizing the relationship. Your career and friends and family are all important – but you need to show her that she’s important too. If you’re always putting other people before her, she’s going to grow frustrated. She wants to know that you consider the relationship a high priority, that you are willing to move around your schedule to spend time with her. If you put zero effort into dating her, then she’s going to wonder why you even bother.
Not texting her first. You shouldn’t expect her to initiate every conversation and keep those conversations going. There should be a healthy give and take. You should be contributing as much as she’s contributing. Don’t let her do all the talking. She wants to hear from you too. She wants to know what’s on your mind. Don’t keep her in the dark because then you’ll start to feel like a stranger.
Not putting effort into dates. Wear a nice outfit. Spritz on some cologne. And help her pick the time and place. Don’t expect her to do all the work while you reap the benefits. Every once in a while, come up with ideas of your own. Surprise her with your thoughtfulness. Because if she’s stuck doing all the planning, she’s going to grow tired eventually.
Not showing appreciation over everything she does for you. Thank you is easy to say, so make sure you say it often. Don’t leave her wondering whether you even realize how much she’s doing for you. Make sure that her hard work is recognized. Tell her how much you appreciate the little things she does every single day.
Not volunteering to help without being asked. She shouldn’t have to ask for your help three times before you move. Sometimes, she shouldn’t have to ask at all. No, you don’t have to read her mind, but if you notice that she’s stressed and could use a hand, volunteer. Contribute out of the kindness of your heart.
Not spending time with her friends and family. If you’re in a serious relationship, your worlds are going to overlap. If she’s never invited out with your loved ones, and you never go out with her loved ones, your lives are going to feel too separated. You don’t have to spend ever minute together, but you should put effort into getting to know the people she cares most about.