Your Astrological Affirmation For Today: Sunday, February 23, 2025
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Your card: Curiosity

“I have so much to explore in this world.” When we lead small lives, it’s because we face life with a small mind—we only see what’s right in front of us. But the world is vast, with new curiosities hidden in every corner you look. Today, exercise your sense of wonder, and try to look out beyond the slice of life you’re currently living. There is so much going on just out of reach.
Your card: Father

“”I set boundaries and keep myself safe.” It’s okay to look out for yourself. It’s okay to recognize when a situation is no longer serving you and choose to step away from it. It is necessary to do the things that keep you safe, healthy, and happy, even if it means becoming rigid in your boundaries with others (or even yourself). Protect your peace.
Your card: Sibling

“I belong to the people who love me.” In today’s modern world, it’s easy to get lost in the noise and feel isolated from everyone around you. Even when the world feels increasingly fractured, remember: You have your people. You do not need to the validation of people on the outside; you do not need the attention of people who will not give it to you in good faith. You will find solace in the people who love you most—not for who you think you should be, but for who you are.
Your card: Wisdom

“I patiently wait for the right course of action to reveal itself.” Sometimes we make the mistake of jumping without looking or reacting instead of responding; sometimes it’s easier to let our emotions lead us instead of our intuition. This is your reminder that there’s merit to waiting for the path to unfold before you. Listen to your inner wisdom and be patient.
Your card: The Spiral Path

“I am not a before and after—I am a cycle of seasons and years.” Remember that life is about the journey, not the destination. Nothing is ever straightforward, and even when you advance, you might later regress. That’s okay. Life is like a ferris wheel—sometimes you’ll feel like you’re at the top of the world, and sometimes you’ll feel like you’re on rock bottom. What’s important to remember is that you’re still moving, and that you won’t be in the same place forever. You are a work in progress.
Your card: Kindness

“I rest easy knowing that I am patient and generous with others.” Today, lean into your spirit of generosity. Do a small kindness for a stranger you encounter; help a friend who’s in need. Be there for the people you love, and even sometimes for the people you don’t even know. Your kindness will be appreciated by others, but it will also help you feel more positive about the world around you. Leave every situation knowing that you offered what you could.
Your card: Student

“I nurture my curiosity and follow its call.” The world is opening up for you, and it’s important that you learn to step out and see what’s in store. Life changes colors when you realize we are all lifelong students, here to study and observe and learn in ways we never had the opportunity to in the classroom. The world is full of more knowledge and wisdom that one person could ever hold; so ask yourself what you want to know and start looking for the answers.
Your card: Courage

“I allow others to misunderstand me.” Sometimes when you choose to live authentically, others won’t understand; in fact, when your desires don’t match up with the status quo, people don’t always want to understand. But that’s okay—it’s not your job to make them feel comfortable or to explain yourself. Have the courage to live your life in the way you see fit, even if it doesn’t match up with others’ expectations. Have to courage to be happy.
Your card: Stillness

“I allow my thoughts to settle before I respond to them.” When you’re faced with conflict, it can be easy to want to react immediately; out flight or fight response is often ingrained deeply. That being said, we can decide to take a step back from a situation and sit in our own stillness. Listen to your heart, to your intuition, and to your own logic. Let yourself respond instead of reacting.
Your card: Endurance

“I feel assured that nothing lasts forever.” Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is to just keep holding on. Life comes in seasons, and even the worse will come to pass; like winter transitioning to spring, the frost will clear and the flowers will begin to bloom. Just trust that things take time, and you have the strength to carry on through it.
Your card: Protection

“I run away from anyone who makes me feel hard to love.” There are a lot of people in the world who will make you feel small, or unwanted, or unloved. These people are not your people. It’s okay to take a step away from those who make you feel bad about yourself or don’t have your best interests in mind. Protect your peace from those who want to disrupt it and find solace in those who want the best for you.