MidJourney / TC Agency

Your Massively Large Relationship Fear, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


That you’re going to settle down too early and miss out on adventures.


That you’re going to grow to trust someone and they are going to turn around and cheat on you.


That you’re going to get accustomed to having someone else in your life, consider them your best friend in the world, and then they are going to abandon you.


That you’re going to be brave enough to open your heart to someone new and they are going to hurt you like the last person did.


That you are going to open up about your deepest hopes and dreams and fears — and they are going to use that knowledge against you.


That you are going to wear your heart on your sleeve for the first time in a long time and get rejected.


That you’re going to give everything you have to someone who won’t appreciate it.


That you’re going to get your hopes up about a person and get disappointed when you find out they’re exactly like everybody else.


That you’re going to commit to the wrong person without realizing it until it’s too late.


That you’re going to get distracted by love and forget about following your passions.


That you’re going to fall for a manipulator, a liar, a narcissist.


That you’re going to let someone into your heart who will use your softness against you.