Your Worst Relationship Will Be With An Inconsistent Man
The Lazy Artist Gallery

Your Worst Relationship Will Be With An Inconsistent Man

Your worst relationship will be with an inconsistent man because you’ll never know what they’re thinking or feeling. You’ll never fully understand what you mean to them because one day they will treat you like the best thing that’s ever happened to them, and the next day they will ignore you and make you feel like you don’t matter one bit. An inconsistent man will leave you with a million questions because their behavior doesn’t track. It’s hard to guess whether they’re serious about the relationship or whether they’re only with you for fun because half of the time, they’re rising above your expectations and the other half of the time, they’re severely disappointing you.

Your worst relationship will be with an inconsistent man because you will never know what to expect from them. They’ll make you a million promises and talk a big talk, but when it comes time to follow through, they rarely deliver. They always come up with a reason why they had to change their plans, and it’s never their own fault. It’s always something outside of their control. But it always happens. Again and again. The one thing that actually is consistent about them is that they’re going to break promises. They’re going to get you excited about something that is never going to happen.

Your worst relationship will be with an inconsistent man because every single day is completely different. You might think that you’re finally cracking through their tough exterior one day, but the next day they will shut you out again. Whenever you think you’re making progress, you end up taking two steps back instead. Sometimes they feel like a stranger, even though they’re the person you should know better than anyone. Even though you’ve been completely transparent with them.

Your worst relationship will be with an inconsistent man because they send constant mixed signals. They constantly make you question your place in their world. You will never feel one hundred percent comfortable with them because it’s impossible to nail down what they’re thinking. It’s natural to worry whether they’re going to wake up one day and decide the relationship is over because they are unpredictable. They shut you out during moments when you want to know them the most. Since they’re so hard to read, it’s hard to be positive about the longevity of the relationship.

Your worst relationship will be with an inconsistent man because you deserve consistency. You deserve someone who treats you well all of the time, not only part of the time. Even though the relationship might feel perfect on certain days, you need to ask yourself whether they’re treating you fairly on the other days. It’s not greedy to hold out for someone who is always respectful, who always makes you feel special and loved. You don’t want someone who you feel uncomfortable around a good chunk of the time. Your relationships should always feel safe and welcoming. You should always feel like you’re in good hands.