Pawel Szvmanski

4 Zodiacs Who Need To Start Listening To Their Own Advice

Some zodiacs are excellent when it comes to giving advice to others. However, when it comes to acting out that advice, they fall short. Here are the zodiacs who need to start listening to their own advice because they have incredible ideas:


Aries, you have such a good head on your shoulders. You always have the best advice for your friends and family whenever they come to you with their problems. You aren’t afraid to tell it like it is, to give them the harsh reality instead of sugarcoating things. However, when it comes to your own life, you don’t always follow your own advice, mostly because you are so impulsive. You don’t always give yourself the time and space to think through your options. Instead of asking yourself what the best decision for your situation is, you automatically do whatever your gut is telling you in the moment. You act now and worry about the consequences later, which as you know, can backfire tremendously. Moving forward, start listening to your own advice. Stop letting your impulses take control. Give yourself a second to pause, to think.


Virgo, it’s easy for you to give advice to the people you love because you’re viewing their situations from the outside. Because you’re able to look at everything in an unbiased, logical way. However, when it comes to your own problems, you overthink every little aspect. You doubt your own instincts. You make decisions, then take back the decision, convinced you made the wrong decision. However, moving forward, you need to trust yourself more. You know what you’re doing. You aren’t as lost as you sometimes feel. You give incredible advice to everyone else in your life, so it’s time to start listening to your own words. It’s time to believe you do know what you’re talking about, you do have the answers. You’re way smarter than you think.


Sagittarius, you give excellent pep talks. You’re able to make anyone feel incredible about themselves — but you’re unable to do the same with yourself. You rarely take your own advice about raising your standards and loving yourself because you struggle to see your own beauty. But you need to remember to follow the advice that you are always giving others. You need to be more positive about yourself, not only the people around you. You have so many words of wisdom. It’s time to start believing them.


Capricorn, on paper, you always know the right move to make. You’re the person everyone runs to when there’s a problem because you always have the wisest solutions. However, you rarely follow your own advice, either because it’s hard or because you’re too stubborn to see the answer that’s right in front of you. Although most people don’t think of you as an emotional sign, you commonly let your feelings about others convince you to do the ‘wrong thing’. You are always keeping people in your life who don’t deserve you, and sticking to jobs that don’t value you, even though you would tell anyone else to do the opposite. You need to start listening to your own advice because you know best.