Los Muertos Crew

Tarotscope For Today: Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Your Card: King of Cups, reversed

Today, pause and reflect on how you may be robbing yourself of peace and serenity. What forces in your life wear away at your emotional health? If you’re allowing yourself to be closed off and emotionally unavailable, examine the root of your fear of vulnerability. What emotional wound have you been avoiding confronting or healing? If there’s any relationship or situation in your life that drains you, then it’s time to start setting some boundaries. Be honest with yourself about what or who has you feeling anxious or overwhelmed—this is the source of your creative blockage.


Your Card: The Sun

Lucky you, you’re going to have an amazing Tuesday. Today you’re making a lot of progress as it pertains to personal or professional goals that you’ve set for yourself. It’s giving you a renewed sense of confidence and optimism. You’re feeling yourself—and others are noticing, too. Hold on to that feeling your’e experiencing right now that anything is possible—believe it. Let it propel you forward into finally taking that risk you’ve been too afraid to take. Apply for the job. Make your case for a raise or a promotion. Ask out your crush. Start that creative project or side gig. Rebrand. Put yourself out there.


Your Card: Nine of Swords, reversed

Lately, your life has been plagued by stress and anxiety, or perhaps by past unresolved issues. Whatever you’re struggling with is beginning to overwhelm you and interfere with your daily life. You must know that you don’t need to face all your troubles on your own. Turn to your most trusted loved ones. This is what friends, family, and community are for. Even just venting would do wonders to alleviate your soul. You’d be surprised at the clarity you’d gain just by talking it out. You’re only going to fall deeper into despair if you keep this to yourself. Call your bestie today, Gemini. 


Your Card: Judgment

Stop judging yourself so harshly, Cancer. Taking a closer look at your life and doing self-reflection can be transformative when done right, but don’t let it bring you to a place in which you’re being overly critical of yourself. Yes, own it—your past, your mistakes, your actions—but then let it go. Release all the guilt and shame. Forgive yourself. You were a different person then than you are now. You’ve taken accountability and have learned the lessons you needed to learn, nothing else matters. Pat yourself on the back for your personal growth. 


Your Card: Seven of Swords, reversed

The reversal of the Seven of Swords wants you to have an honest check-in with yourself. Are there any mistakes you need to own up to? Have you deceived someone in some way lately? If there’s anything that is eating away at your conscience, come clean and apologize. You will feel better, and the situation won’t spiral into worse territory. Maybe the case is that there’s a situation in your life that you’re refusing to view for what it is. Is it truly what you want? Is it making you happy or draining you? Is there anything in your life not aligned with your authentic self or the life you desire?


Your Card: Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups signifies a clean slate for your heart. If you haven’t already, then it’s time to release old emotional baggage to make space for new beginnings. There’s a high possibility of love with this card, so don’t rush home after work. Go to happy hour, take a walk in your neighborhood, or visit your favorite coffee shop—you might meet someone. If you’ve been thinking of re-downloading dating apps, then today would be a good day. There might be someone in your life who you’ve been too afraid to confess your feelings for—shoot your shot. If there’s a creative project or side gig you’ve been itching to start, do it. This card points to success. You can attract all you desire, you just have to put it out into the Universe.


Your Card: Three of Swords

You’re experiencing (or are soon to experience) a major loss or disappointment. Whatever the situation, it’s going to feel like a spear piercing you right through the heart. It’s important that you remain gentle with yourself and allow yourself the space to grieve and process your emotions. Remind yourself that it’s possible to heal and move on. It can feel gutting today, but you’re going to come out of this wiser and stronger. If it’s a person who crossed you, don’t waste anymore energy on them by trying to get back at them. Instead, cut them out of your life. There’s no room for anyone you can’t trust. 


Your Card: Ace of Pentacles

Today is a day for seriously setting your intentions—personally, professionally, financially, spiritually, creatively…everywhere. The Ace of Pentacles foresees prosperity and new beginnings, you just have to be willing to name what you want and work hard towards making it happen. Sit alone today to define your aspirations and intentions. Write them down. Visualize them as if they’re already yours. Be extremely detailed. Be open to all of the possibilities. Most importantly, have faith in yourself and believe that you can make them a reality. Be patient and remember that it’s going to take time. All you have to do is be consistent. When opportunities start knocking on your door, make the best of them. 


Your Card: Seven of Cups

You’re a dreamer of big things, Sag—one whose ideas move at light speed. This isn’t a bad thing, but be careful about getting too lost in the fantasy. There’s a difference between wishful thinking and taking action. Everything you’re envisioning requires hard work in the real world. You can start by taking one practical step today. Be clear and specific, and name exactly what it is you want to accomplish or create. Write down the steps it’s going to take to make it a reality. Tomorrow, start dedicating your time and efforts to it.


Your Card: Ace of Wands, reversed

You’re not you today, Capricorn. You’re unmotivated and feeling uninspired, and even letting yourself succumb to a little procrastination. It’s possible that you’re weighed down and feeling overwhelmed by your current responsibilities and commitments. There’s something getting in the way of your inspiration and your internal spark. So, maybe take a step back today. Use the day to try to rid yourself of any self-doubt. Do things that will help you find your drive and inspiration again. Tomorrow you can get back to it. Perhaps all you need is a little break. 


Your Card: Wheel of Fortune

Expect the unexpected today, Aquarius—but don’t fret! Whatever shifts are happening are happening in your favor. You might be experiencing major change or the ending to something in your life. While it can feel scary and it can cause you sadness, try to remain open and adaptable. Not everything in our lives comes to stay forever. Certain situations and relationships only have a few chapters in the story of our lives. The Universe is clearing out these things to make room for what is truly meant for you. Things may feel uncertain, but trust that it’s all going to work out for you. 


Your Card: The Magician

The Magician shows up today to give you a little push and motivation. He wants to remind you that anything is possible—you can manifest your dreams into a reality. It’s important that you have faith in yourself. Let go of your self-defeating thoughts and your self-doubts. Stop being afraid of going after what you want—of failure. You may not succeed the first time, but you can get up and try again. Great things are won through hard work and consistency. Give it more effort than you have been. Be fearless. Be bold. Take risks, Pisces. Start today by taking even the smallest bit of action.