10 Basic Traits That Make You Attractive
Ivan Oboleninov

10 Basic Traits That Will Make You More Attractive

You don’t have to change in order to find someone perfect for you. Of course, the more kindness and confidence you’re able to show, the more people will want to be around you. It sounds simple, but here are the traits that others find incredibly attractive:

“Having a growth mindset, when someone can recognize their own shortcomings and be willing to work on them is attractive af. Change is the only constant in life and having the ability to lean into change for the better and seeing it as an opportunity for growth is underrated.” — ResponseAmazing1307

“They put effort into their appearance and interactions. If you don’t give a shit how you look and can’t be bothered to treat others with basic decency you’re probably gonna be pretty repulsive.” — wickedblight

“For me personally, it’s just someone showing kindness. Yeah it sounds weird but honestly it’s worked for me every time, even if I didn’t necessarily find them Hollywood star levels of attractive. Just that unexpected kindness really hits when you don’t expect it.” — Weird_Breadz

“To me, what makes a person attractive is if they can actually keep their word. This trait is getting hard to come by nowadays.” — Chersvette

“Optimism and putting in an effort to have fun / making the best of a situation. Life’s a lot more enjoyable if you try to enjoy it in my opinion. Don’t be a downer.” — Reallyreallyshocked

“Intelligence and consequently (usually) having a good sense of humor. If you’re smart enough to be witty, that’ll do it for me.” — ZubLor

“Caring about human suffering in a way that understands what’s going on as more than just a list of platitudes on the back of a cereal box. Like, empathy is cool and all, but if someone tells me the problems in the word are just ‘corruption’ and that it’s just ‘human nature,’ that is an instant turn off. They can learn and I will happily (unless I’m in a very frustrated mood or they get derisive/arrogant) try to explain my view on things, but I’m also not looking to go into every interaction with another person from a position of trying to change their worldview. It’s fine for non-romantic, non-professional stuff, but… for romance? Not only is a dynamic like that not healthy even if it does work because I’m taking on a teacher-student role, the odds are they won’t listen very much and will take a while to come around on things if they do.” — throwaway23495923

“Hair. Seriously, A good haircut can make someone go from a 5 to a 10.” — Inside-Net-8480

“Watching my husband grow and change for the better as we grow together as a couple has been so, so very attractive. He makes me want to be better, to do better, to grow myself.” — travelbuteatvegan

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but confidence is universally attractive. Someone who knows what they want and isn’t afraid to go after it is sure to turn heads.” — joejoewall