10 Concrete Signs He's Husband Material
Brandon Woelfel

10 Concrete Signs He’s Husband Material

You shouldn’t agree to a commitment as big as marriage without making sure you’re with the right person. You need to feel like your partner is, without a doubt, the right one for you. In order to figure this out, here are some concrete signs that he’s husband material:

He follows through on his promises.

He doesn’t talk a big talk in order to impress you, then fail to deliver when the time comes. His actions actually match his words. He means what he says to you, so you never have to wonder whether the pretty words he speaks hold meaning. They do.

He handles his share of the responsibilities.

He doesn’t expect you to do all the chores, pay all the bills, and carry all the conversations. He pitches in about the same amount as you. Unlike some exes, he’s more like your teammate than a child you’re babysitting because you act as equals. Always.

He respects your feelings.

He makes you feel heard because he pays attention when you speak and remembers what you say. He never minimizes your feelings or accuses you of being overdramatic. He takes your emotions seriously.

He constantly communicates his feelings.

He is vulnerable with you about his deepest fears, hopes, and expectations. There aren’t any secrets between you because he feels comfortable coming to you about anything. He opens up as much as you do because you deserve to know what he’s thinking.

He respects your boundaries.

When you say no, you don’t have to repeat yourself. Once is more than enough because he hears you the first time. He doesn’t guilt trip you or push you to change your mind because he genuinely respects you.

He encourages you to reach your dreams.

And encourages you to hang out with your friends. And encourages you to pursue your hobbies. Basically, he encourages you to do whatever it is that makes you happy, even if it doesn’t involve him.

He makes you feel like you can be your most authentic self.

He never judges your interests, belittles them, or teases you in a way that makes you embarrassed or ashamed about being who you are. You feel like you can let your guard down and be your real self around him because he loves the real you.

He shares a similar vision of the future as you do.

He wants the same things from the future that you want. Your visions on children and marriage and living spaces align perfectly. Neither of you will end up resenting the other over big life decisions because he wants what you want.

You have fun together.

You’re more than lovers. You’re friends. You enjoy spending quality time together because your personalities work well together. You have chemistry in multiple areas, not only physical ones.

You trust that he would never hurt you.

You don’t stay up at night, worrying that he’s being unfaithful, lying to you, or withholding secrets from you. You believe he’s loyal and honest. You believe he would never let you down.