10 Divorcees Reveal The Moment They Realized They Married The Wrong Person
Filipe Leme

10 Divorcees Reveal The Moment They Realized They Married The Wrong Person

“I realized that I was hiding good news from her because I knew she would make me feel bad about it. I hoped she was going to grow up and stop being selfish and childish. She never did.” — Dash_Harber

“When I realized if we weren’t married I wouldn’t have wanted to be his friend.” — dawn855

“Six months after our wedding when I found out about the emotional (he says only emotional but I’m pretty sure it was physical too) affair through text messages. He had sent his affair partner screenshots of my texts to him in which I was begging him to talk to me and tell me what was wrong. They both proceeded to make fun of my desperation to fix my marriage and his affair partner said something along the lines of: ‘Poor thing, she doesn’t know anything and keeps begging you for attention and affection.’ The moment I read those words, I realized how big of mistake I had made.” — Valiantlycaustic

“After the kid was born. Total shift. Turns out only I wanted to be a parent.” — Cobra-Serpentress

“We were in the bathroom getting showered and dressed for a friend’s wedding. I was in the best shape of my life at the time, feeling good about myself, and I thought I looked good in that suit. She was finishing her makeup and I remarked at how beautiful she looked. I waited for her to say something nice in reply but she didn’t. And it just hit me. I couldn’t remember a single time that she complimented me on my appearance. So I said that to her. I said ‘You know, I always tell you how beautiful you are, and how attracted to you I am, but I never recall you ever saying that I look good or that I look handsome.’ She stopped applying her mascara long enough to dismissively roll her eyes at me. So I made the mistake of asking her, ‘Do you even find me attractive?’ And she flatly said, ‘No.’ I asked, ‘Why did you marry me then?’ And she said, ‘I didn’t think it was important at the time.’ I never felt so ugly and unloved. And it hurt even more when I had been feeling so good about myself for once in my life 30 seconds earlier.” — Seandouglasmcardle

“I waited on her hand and foot. Every night, brought her a tea. Checked every room to make sure there were no intruders, went to the store for her if she wanted a snack, etc. One day I was really sick with the flu and asked if she’d get me a Gatorade from the store. She was shocked that I asked and said, ‘Absolutely not.’ Then I thought about it and realized that she had never complimented me, supported me, nurtured me, consoled me, or showed any level of emotional care for me. I knew at that moment that she never would. All she did was complain that I didn’t do enough for her.” — incredibleninja

“The second he decided to hit me. We were married for less than a year, and no kids, thankfully. Took two months, and we were divorced.” — Fridky

“He threw a surprise birthday for me, and towards the end I was inside near the food table and everyone had already gone outside. I affectionately called him over as he was passing by to have a moment, he rolled his eyes and walked on saying he was hanging out with so and so. Anyone, even a stranger on the road, was always more important, he just did not give a damn about me. He only did things for how he would appear to others.” — 100thusername

“When Covid hit. Lockdown was announced and he said he said he had to go look after his ‘real family,’ i.e. his mother, a healthy and capable 50yo who treated him like a child. I had those words ringing in my ears for months. Real family. How TF was I not his real family? But I slowly realized that the big old handbrake was off and now I’m out here living my best life.” — eivelyn

“We had been engaged for just over a year (together for around a decade) and I realized I didn’t actually want to be with her, I just was too invested and I didn’t want to make her upset. I knew we would end up getting divorced at some point down the road so I decided to end it before then. Went to therapy and realized I had spent my whole childhood trying to make my parents happy, and then I immediately got into a relationship and spent all of my adulthood trying to make her happy. I was miserable because of it but I just didn’t know.” — PM_ME_GARFIELD_NUDES