Kinga Cichewicz

10 Dream Symbols That Prove You’re Ready To Move On

Feeling stuck in life? Or maybe you’ve been hung up about a breakup and haven’t yet gotten over it. Sometimes our subconscious minds are more clued-in to what we can handle, and they give us little clues in our dreams. While closed doors and confined spaces might mean that you’re not ready to move on, there are other dream symbols that prove you’re ready to transition to new and better things. Read on for our list of dream symbols and imagery that prove you’re ready to move on.

An Open Door

Doors mean transition in dreams. If the door is closed, there’s something blocking your way to the next phase of your life–usually something emotional and internal. But if the door is open, especially if you’re the one who opens it, then you’re ready to move on. Even if you don’t physically walk through the door in your dream, just the fact that it’s open is a very good sign.

The Moon

The moon goes through phases, just like you. And just like you, the moon goes through those changes whether it wants to or not. Regardless of the phase of the moon in your dream, it’s telling you that you’re ready for change. Although if you actively see it moving through the phases–like from a new moon to a full moon, for instance–that’s even better.

Choosing a Fork in the Road

Coming upon a fork in a road is very common when it comes to dream imagery. It should come as no surprise that this shows that you’re in a transition period of life and need to make a change. If you spend the whole dream pondering which way to go, but never make the decision, that means you’re ready to move on but need to actively take the first step. If you choose a fork in the dream, you’re already well on your way to a fresh new start.

An Oven

Ovens, and kitchens in general, are strong dream symbols for transition. When you use an oven the way its intended, you’re taking raw ingredients and transforming them into something wholly new. If you dream of an oven, especially if you’re using it the way its intended, you feel in control of the changes coming your way. If something goes wrong, like a fire, you might need to do a bit more work before you can move on.


Transportation in general is a good sign of movement in your life, but being the one actively doing the driving is even better. You’re moving forward, not standing in one place. The better the drive in the dream, the clearer your path for moving on in real life. If you get lost in the dream, you have some insecurities or emotions holding you back.


Don’t get scared! These fluffy man-eaters are actually a good sign in dreams. When you dream of bears, you’re focusing on the transition process. Bears work hard in the fall to get ready for hibernation. After a sleepy winter, they wake refreshed to start over again. Perhaps you’re just ready for your own hibernation period?


These aren’t the bad omens you might think of. Snakes shed their skin regularly, getting rid of the old to make way for the new. Your dreams are telling you that it’s time to shed what isn’t working. Even if your snake dream is a nightmare, it still speaks to transition. It just might mean that you’re afraid to take the leap for better change.

A Stream, Creek, or River

Water in general means transition, but moving water like in a stream or river shows that you’re ready for change. No stagnation for you! Rivers flow freely–they don’t decide to flow. This is a good clue for you that, regardless of whether you want it to happen or not, you’re already moving on.

Your Ex

You might worry that your ex popping up in your dream might mean that you’re not over them. Instead, pay attention to what’s happening in the dream. How do you feel when you see them? Are you begging them to take you back? Telling them off? Ignoring them? Your response to your dream ex–and your first emotional reactions when you wake up–is a good indicator of where you stand about the breakup and could mean that you’re over them.


Like snakes, this isn’t the bad omen you might expect. Death is all about transition. One phase of your life is ending so that a new one can begin. If someone else dies in your dream, your reaction can tell you how well you’re going to deal with the transition your life is taking. If you’re the one who dies, this is a clear sign that you’re ready not for death, but for the beginning of a new phase of your life.