Be More Lovable: People Who Find Partners Easily Share Tips
Gabor Kozmon

10 Realistic Tips For Finding A Partner In 2023

“Date a lot, and don’t stick around with people who don’t seem like partner material. Someone might be an awesome fit for you, but the timing is just off – let them go. If they are a great long-term fit, they still will be down the road. And other people are out there who are just as good a fit if not better.” — zazzlekdazzle

“Be nice, outgoing (or at least don’t be so timid you can’t have a conversation), meet a LOT of people, and don’t take dating so seriously. If you’re trying really hard to find a ‘perfect’ partner you’re going to stick with people who may tick check boxes but aren’t actually right for you. Might miss out on people who actually will end up being just right. When I was online dating, I realized most men were bad at taking or picking photos of themselves so I didn’t discount a guy right away because of photos. Two relationships I had were with men who looked better in person than in photos, so I’m glad I didn’t swipe left on them.” — A_Salty_Moon

“Trying. Ninety percent of lonely people do basically nothing to get out and actually connect with people. Or if they do, they limit themselves to extremely niche interests. Or have unrealistic standards of what the ‘reward’ should be. Try branching out. Try asking questions of people. Try being interested in something new and connecting with people who share that interest. Basically, make literally any effort. Don’t just expect the universe to provide you with the perfect companion.” — Wazula23

“Don’t be high-maintenance or low-maintenance, just be regular maintenance. High-maintenance people tend to go through dates and relationships because they attract doormats and people who thrive on conflict. Low-maintenance people tend to be the doormats who get dumped by the high-maintenance people (or who end-up not being able to stand being with them) or with narcissists or users.” — zazzlekdazzle

“It’s very cliché, but I didn’t find success on dating apps and my current girlfriend of almost 3 years, until I stopped thinking as hard about what I’d want to say. By that, I mean stop trying to create an image of yourself you think will attract the people you’re into. You should have fun while dating, not thinking of the perfect dialogue option like an RPG.” — Jonny-2-Shoes

“Be open to good things happening. Say yes to invitations. No one will come find you and rescue you from your studio apartment routine like a 90s era romcom heroine—you need to make chances for meeting people and remain open to what comes your way. That might look like doing some online or app dating, or attending speed dating events, or telling your coupled-up friends that you’re open to them setting you up (so they can draw on their partner’s single-friend network), or attending friend group parties, or joining an interest/running/music/whatever group, or hiring a matchmaker. Work on becoming a better person and a better potential partner, and healing some of your shit so you have less baggage to dump on any potential ‘right partner’ that comes along.” — LarkScarlett

“Looking good helps. Let’s be honest, if you look like you just tried to put a forest fire out with a fork, it’s going to be tough (not impossible) for you anyway. But I’d say the vast majority of both men and women are good looking enough that if you clean yourself up, make yourself presentable, and get out there with a good attitude, you will be physically attractive enough for most people.” — SweetCosmicPope

“I’d say just put yourself out there. Talk to people and date a lot. Most of my friends who say they struggle to find someone also don’t really try. They won’t just magically walk into your life.” — FuzzyDunlop_91

“Be willing to make the relationship a priority, but not your whole life.” — zazzlekdazzle

“You have to be kind, funny, and able to get out there and talk to people. If you’re afraid to even start the conversation, you’re going to go nowhere. If you try to act like you’re too cool for school, that really only works for high school kids and the Fonz. Just be the best version of yourself. Don’t lie about who you are or what you like to do. Ooze the excitement you get about the things you actually like to do and use that to have a good positive attitude. Don’t be afraid to chat people up, and don’t be afraid to shoot your shot and ask if somebody wants to go out for coffee or dinner. You will get shot down. I guarantee you the most beautiful people have been turned down before. Just dust off your shoulders and get back to it with no animosity towards those who weren’t interested. When you do talk to people, don’t just talk about yourself. Ask questions. Take an interest in this potential partner. Don’t try to be a braggart. Ask what they like to do, what they do for a living, what their interests and dreams are. It’s fine to talk about yourself, as well, but it should be a two way street.” — SweetCosmicPope