10 reminders for anyone who feels lost in their current life stage
Tamara Bellis

10 Reminders For Anyone Who Feels Lost In Their Current Life Stage

If you currently feel lost, you are not alone. So many others feel the exact same way as you do, so rest assured that everything is going to be okay. Here are some small reminders to keep you going when you feel lost:

“Please do that difficult thing that you know in your heart is the right choice. Don’t take the easy way out. Life is better when you face your issues head on, you don’t want to be forever occupied with untangling a growing mess because you are so afraid of feeling bad or alone for a small period of time.” — PorkSodaWaves

“Don’t focus on the goal or destination, just focus on the journey itself. You never know where it might ultimately lead you to, even with best plans having been made, just ensure that you are as healthy and happy and involved in your day-to-day as possible and I think you’ll find contentment in life.” — Vtr1247

“Try not to worry about though things beyond your control (i.e. how others think about you, if you’re gonna get that promotion, etc). If it’s within your sphere of influence or ability to change, then do it. Try your damnest. If you did it, good! Be proud and move on. If you didn’t it, we’ll too damn bad. Take pride in knowing you tried your hardest and move on. Never wallow in that which is beyond your control – it’s a fool’s errand.” — Vtr1247

“You won’t believe this, but while your problems are unique, your feelings are not. You are no different than any generation before you. We all faced our own problems, we all felt lost. Chin up. In the end it will be ok, if it isn’t ok, then it isn’t the end.” — unchainedcouple

“Make goals. Work your way to achieve them. Fail. Try again. Fail. Try again. Succeed. Or fail. Fail again. Move on. It’s okay to move on after multiple failures. Doesn’t make you a failure, just that you weren’t meant to accomplish this specific thing. Learn to accept this (this is hard and challenging but worthwhile to learn) and MOVE. ON.” — Vtr1247

“You are likely not lost, but rather exactly where you are supposed to be. You are supposed to feel like you don’t have your life figured out, you’re just getting started. Naturally, finding out what timeline works for you will take a fair amount of time. You may want a big career, and that can take a while to figure out and then make happen. You may just want a job that you like enough and makes you enough money, but it isn’t a path. That’s fine, too. You may want to have a partner and family early, you may want to wait until later. It is all fine! But it takes a while to figure things out because everyone is different.” — zazzlekdazzle

“The person you will spend the most time with in life is yourself, make yourself as interesting as possible. Stop trying to find ‘the one’ and just work on being ‘the one.’” — MachoOverseer

“Not all those who stumble and lose their way are lost forever. You have time. At the end of the day, every experience is a story and rarely the end of your life. By the actual end of your life, those stories will be what you truly pass on. Make them memorable.” — flypapertastetest

“Any point in your life you can feel lost. But when you’re young is when you can make the most mistakes, learn from them, and still have a tolerably softer landing.” — randlejuliuslakers

“Get in the habit of setting goals and achieving them. It doesn’t have to be anything major at first, even something as simple as cleaning and organizing one of your closets will do. Over time once you get in the habit of working towards goals you will find yourself working towards a purpose that makes you feel fulfilled.” — DeathSpiral321