10 Reminders To Help You Thrive In The Second Half Of 2023
Norbert Buduczki

10 Reminders To Help You Thrive In The Second Half Of 2023

In order to make the most of the rest of 2023, there are certain things you should remember. Here are some lessons you’re going to wish you learned sooner:

“50% effort consistently is better than short bursts of 100% followed by burnout.” — Blackintosh

“Just because someone doesn’t hit you, doesn’t mean it’s not abuse. Financial abuse, manipulation, keeping you away from bettering yourself, keeping you away from people you love, shouting, punching walls, mocking… all abuse.” — TobylovesPam

“Going after closure is an uphill battle. For years I focused on nothing more than getting closure for the horrible things that have happened to me but in reality it’ll never be enough. There’s nothing that can provide a solid and definite end, you just have to keep going forward and living your life.” — 0_Bonzobean_0

“I wish I always knew how many bullies and abusers are truly just JEALOUS of their targets! I have often in my life been a very easy person to bully. I’ve been a victim many times. I would never fight back because my mentality was, well, I would never treat someone this way unless they’d done something awful, so I must deserve this. It took me until my 30s to realize that all those people started abusing me because of their crabs in the bucket mentality, and continued because they realized I wouldn’t do anything to stop them. It had nothing to do with me being bad or subpar in any way, quite the opposite, actually! There’s nothing you can do to prevent or cause an abuser’s or bully’s behavior, we are all responsible for OUR OWN behavior only, and that includes learning to stand up for ourselves!” — di3tc0k3head

Things are not important. If you’re hanging around with people who care about the ‘things’ you have instead of your best personal qualities, then you need to get new friends.” — ThrowRAaccount79

“I tried way too hard for way too long to salvage, create, or endure relationships with certain immediate family members because I felt bound to them by ‘family loyalty,’ which meant that whilst I expected decent treatment from friends (and these relationships were healthy), by comparison the bar for decent treatment was set very low for relatives, ‘because family.’ It wasn’t until one day an aunt saw how badly I was being treated and stressed out I was by certain family relationships and said to me ‘Your family might always be your family, that doesn’t mean you have to be family with your family,’ that I finally realized the truth and felt permitted to cut off some truly awful, toxic relatives out of my life.” — Creative_Recover

“You can never save someone who doesn’t want to be saved. Don’t love anyone so much that you lose yourself trying to save them.” — Valiantlycaustic

“One thing that I wish I knew sooner is that life is too short to be serious all the time. I used to be a very uptight and anxious person, always worrying about the future and what others think of me. I missed out on a lot of fun and joy because of that. I realized that life is unpredictable and full of surprises, and sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself and the absurdity of it all. Laughter is the best medicine, and it can make you feel happier, healthier, and more relaxed. So now I try to find humor in every situation, even the bad ones.” — Anxious-Statement301

“Friends are seasonal. Don’t worry too much about keeping them because the important ones stick around regardless and the unimportant ones you ain’t gonna remember.” — GiddyGoodwin

“As long as you are truthful with who you are and don’t harm others, it doesn’t matter what other people think about you. The ones who really matter already know who you are. Other than that it just doesn’t matter.” — DrunkJeff7