10 Short, Profound Stories That Will Inspire You To Live Your Best Life
“Was chillin in a park with some friends, and some couple on the sidewalk in front of us get in a huge argument and are yelling at each other. At one point the girl goes: “You can’t do nice things for me and then get pissed when I don’t return the favor. I didn’t ask you to do those things, you did them on your own. You shouldn’t do nice things for people to get something back, then it’s not nice, it’s blackmail. You should do nice things just to be nice.” As soon as she said that, I realized I was guilty of doing just that. I’ve tried to not do that ever since, and it’s a good thing to keep in mind when you think you are being nice. Are you really? Or are you just trying to manipulate people into being in your debt?” — p1zawL
“A few days ago there was a video of a kid in a wheelchair about to head down a really tall skateboard ramp; he stared down the ramp and said, ‘Well, the longer I’m up here, the longer I’m scared.’ Made me think about things I’ve been avoiding.” — [deleted]
“We were hiking a trail at Red River Gorge. These two men, drenched in sweat, had been running for what had seemed to be all morning. They came up on us once again, 3 hours after the first time we spotted them and my buddy yells out, ‘How much longer till you get there?’ One guy simply responded, ‘There is no there.'” — wallymomouth
“This summer I got a job as a mover to make some extra cash before university. I’m often paired up with some pretty sketchy drivers who can say some weird stuff. One day I was working with a guy and he said something that really inspired me. He said: ‘Be the guy who gives a fuck, there’s already too many who don’t.’ This simple sentence that he thought nothing of is now part of my own personal life motto as weird as it sounds. In every interaction I always try to ‘give a fuck’ and my life has honestly improved.” — DBish95
“From the man on the phone at the table next to me at Barnes & Noble: ‘Most problems, you can recover from. Like, if someone breaks into your house, it’s not the end of the world. But the anxiety you can feel about the possibility of something like someone breaking into your house can ruin your life.'” — hdhdhdhdh
“When I was younger I fell head over heels in lust for a woman and thought it was love. I contemplated marriage and my buddy told me, ‘You know when you go to the grocery store when you’re starving? You end up loading up the cart with all sorts of crap because you want to eat it right now, but you know later you’ll be regretting it and wondering why you have all this shit in your pantry.’ Ever since then when I’ve been ready to make a big decision where I feel like I’m rushing into it I always think of that and it makes me calm down and re-evaluate.” — DrGrizzley
“My niece could tell I was in a bad mood and asked why. I told her that a friend was being mean and she said, ‘Just talk to your friend and say, ‘Stop being mean.’ I said it wasn’t so easy to tell someone to change. She said, ‘You’re right, it’s easier to just walk away until they act better.’ She was right.” — oohitsalady
“When I was 13 or so, my class went on a field trip. My friend, a buff guy (well, buff for his age) volunteered to carry our cooler when we went for this walk through a nature reserve. For an hour or so, the whole class was running around and having a great time, but my friend was stuck lugging the cooler around. I asked him why he volunteered to carry that thing, since it meant he couldn’t run around and have fun like everyone else. He glances around and points at our classmates. ‘If I didn’t do it, one of them would have to, and I know I am better suited to this than they are. Sometimes you gotta do things you don’t wanna do, because you know if you don’t do them, the people around you will be worse off.'” — Namika
“My friends and I were waiting for a bus for about an hour and a half, with an old man standing a bit away from us at the same bus stop. Finally, we can see the bus coming, and my friend says, ‘Oh finally, the bus is coming’ and the old man just turns to us and says, ‘The bus was always coming.'” — Ali_Campbell
“Coca-cola bottles here have a campaign going on where they have ‘share a coke with…’ and then a name on the bottle. My friend had a FB status saying something like, ‘The coke bottles say to share a coke with someone, yet we still look for our own name.'” — princess94