
10 Ways You Ruined Your Life In 2022

When you look back at 2022, what’s the primary feeling you get? If you’re being honest with yourself, you’ll probably see some serious flaws. Of course, not everything went well last year. Things don’t always go your way, and sometimes we let the toxic people in our lives have way too much power over us. Since we are the sum of our experiences, those pitfalls carry into 2023 if we’re not careful. So how did you ruin your life in 2022? These might just resonate with you. And if they do, it’s time to start fresh in the new year. You’ve got this, babe.

1. You cared way too much about what other people think.

You consulted with your friends any time you had feelings for someone to get their opinion–and you did what they said even when it didn’t align with how you felt. You didn’t wear a cute outfit or changed your hair to a fun color because you worried how people might treat you. That’s no way to live, babe. Be your authentic self.

2. You held onto heartbreak a little too long.

As weird as it sounds, there’s comfort in heartbreak. That’s why we associate it with being wrapped up in a blanket on the couch with a pint of ice cream. But there’s a fine line between taking your time to heal and holding on too long. The latter can become toxic, feeding a line of poison straight to your veins.

3. You allowed the bare minimum to be enough.

You deserve way more than the bare minimum. If you settled for the bare minimum in 2022, then you know from personal experience how bad of an idea that is. In 2023, make a resolution to only date people who put in as much effort as you do.

4. You said you were okay with a situationship when you weren’t.

Let’s all vow to start saying what we mean and meaning what we say. You likely thought sticking through a situationship might lead to something more, but they almost never do. If you want a real relationship, don’t accept anything less.

5. You refused to take a chance on your crush.

Leave fear in the past. Don’t pine for someone without the bravery to do something about it. In 2023, vow to make a move on the people you like. It’s better than sitting around pining without ever finding out if they were actually the one.

6. You stayed in a job that you hate.

There are other jobs. It’s unacceptable to spend your shift crying in the bathroom. Stress is a killer, and your job is actively pulling you under. No “work family” is worth losing all your happiness.

7. You compared yourself to others.

You cringed every time you saw a full-body picture of yourself because it didn’t match the models you follow on Instagram. You thought you weren’t good enough when you saw what other people were doing. Compare yourself to no one except the you from your past–and even then, be kind with yourself.

8. You bullied yourself.

If you wouldn’t accept someone saying this kind of thing to your friend or family member, you shouldn’t be saying it to yourself.

9. You didn’t give yourself grace.

You’re human. You make mistakes. You’re messy. You’re sometimes wrong. And all of that is okay. Don’t hold yourself to impossible standards.

10. You forgot how powerful you are.

Don’t listen to anyone who says you can’t do something. You’re strong, you’re amazing, and you’re capable as hell.