11 Bartenders Reveal The Smoothest Pick Up Lines They’ve Ever Heard
“Buzzed gentleman extends his hand to a slightly more buzzed woman and asks, ‘Will you hold this while I step outside?’ They come back after sharing a cigarette, pay the tab, and take a cab together.” — AnxiousTester
“Bartended in college. Guy walked up to a girl at the bar, goes, ‘Hi my name is Ben, and I’m going to buy you drinks until you find me attractive.’ Girl smiled and laughed and he asked what she would like to drink. She looked him over (he was already very attractive), turned to me and said, ‘In that case, I’ll have a water.’ He definitely got it that night.” — xray_anonymous
“Heard this one while closing down a couple weeks back: ‘Come on, let’s go back to my place, I’ll make you a quesadilla.’ This girl had been swatting guys away like flies all night but that one worked out.” — king_of_chardonnay
“I was in another country with friends, and I asked the waitress where the best bar in around was. When she started saying, ‘Oh it depends on what you like,’ I asked her which one I’d likely find her at. My friends thought it was very smooth. I guess she did too.” — CptnAlex
“This guy was hitting on this girl at the end of the bar. She asked him, ‘You gonna bring me some roses?’ and this man took two straws, a napkin, and a lighter and I shit you not made a rose with it. You bet your ass she left with him. Kudos, sir.” – HURR1CANE_WR1ST
“I saw a drinking guy sit next to a woman at the bar and say, ‘You mind if I sit here and hit on you for a while?'” — PM_ME_YOUR_BEE_SYRUP
“Bartender here. Best pick up I’ve ever seen was when a group of three dudes college aged were at the bar on my end. They started talking about this girl on the other side who is clearly the hottest girl in the bar. One of them jokingly said to another, ‘If you can get her number without saying a word to her I’ll buy you drinks the rest of the night.’ The kid who was dared waved me down asked for a pen and napkin he walked over and within 10 minutes came back over, girl in hand, asking his buddy who bet him for two patron shots. I asked him what he did and he showed me the napkin with her number. He played hangman on the napkin and spelt out: ‘Can I have your number?’ And it actually worked. He and his girl were drinking heavily and for free the rest of the night. He also walked out with her so I hope he scored.” — [deleted]
“I met my current girlfriend while working behind a bar. She got way too drunk so the next time she came up to order a drink I gave her a pint of water and told her she had enough. Her response? ‘Well if you’re not going to give me a drink, at least give me your number.’ We have a dog now.” — PortPear
“Shy girl regularly comes in with her friend. My coworker and I are pretty chummy with them so we are chatting all night, letting them try some of the new cocktails/shots our bar is trialling. We give them one particular shot and the friend says she doesn’t like it too much and asks if its the kind of drink my girlfriend likes (I was single), shy girl picks up her shot, downs it and says, ‘Yes, it is!’, then immediately runs out of the building in shyness. We’ve been dating almost 6 months now.” — Poseidon-Hermes
“Saw a dude standing at the bar waiting to order drinks when it was his round and a Britney Spears song comes on. He just happily sings along and wiggles his hips, waiting to order drinks. Wasn’t showing off or trying to be funny, just happily doing his thang. The chick next to him was staring the whole time laughing and when he noticed, he just smiled and nodded and went right back to it. She took the bait and that was that.” — [deleted]
“Not a bartender but hooked up with one once. It was closing time and she said, ‘If you don’t work here or banging the staff, time to leave!’ I leaned over and said, ‘I guess I’m staying.’ With the confidence only a recently divorced man could have. It worked, oddly enough.” — midri