11 Divorcees Share The Most Underrated Part Of Losing Your Forever Person

11 Divorcees Share The Most Underrated Part Of Losing Your Forever Person

“The most underrated part of my divorce was all the relationship knowledge and experience I walked away with. I learned a lot about my own needs, what not to do’s and SO MANY new skills from the marriage counseling we attended that can be applied to future relationships.” — DahliaSinger

“The first little bit of time after it happens, right after you’ve officially moved out and gone your separate ways… even though things feel so heavy there’s also this feeling of pure excitement at the unknown. Knowing it’s you and only you, no other person to rely on. That there’s opportunity everywhere for things to get better. Being free of something that weighed you down, and free to plan your next move with only yourself in mind.” — bitch-cassidy

“A chance at real love. Someone who actually values you. No, it’s not the easy way out. It was by far one of the hardest decision I’ve had to make. It’s easier to keep doing the same thing over and over. To just push through the misery.” — Cherryapplefox

“For me? That first night you arrive home to your new place and realize you actually wanted to come home. No more staying at work late when you didn’t really need to or driving to the beach to avoid going home.” — little_beanpole

“Now any messes are my messes, and cleaning the house is WAY easier.” — scotty_doesntknow

“The most underrated part of divorce for me was having the fridge organized exactly how I wanted it, so I could grab things without looking. I’m tall, and the fridge was a smaller one, so I had to get down on a knee to see everything. Having it laid out specifically helped me out, but my ex never even attempted to do the same. Having my stuff exactly where I need it to be is wonderful.” — Judoka229

“The very first morning I was finally alone and freed from an abusive relationship I was able to simply go to the store. That’s the first thing I did, was I went to the store. I didn’t have to ask for permission, or have her force herself to come with me. I just walked out the door, got in the car, and went to the store. It was a Target. I looked at furniture. I was able to look left and look right without fear of being accused of looking at another woman. So I guess the most underrated part was being able to do the most mundane, ordinary thing.” — [deleted]

“I never really lived on my own. It is really underrated to live on your own. I am my own man. I rely on me and only me. To be independent is very fulfilling.” — AirVengeance

“No longer being with someone who doesn’t love you anymore. When it becomes obvious to you that they like you but don’t love you, that was the worse realization.” — Sabertoothsnowhobbit

“You get to divorce your mother-in-law, too!” — Yeahbabs

“Could breathe freely again after years. It was an actual physical feeling.” — imdungrowinup