11 Types Of First Dates Women Want Men To Plan
Pavel Danilyuk

11 First Dates Women Wish Men Would Plan

“Arcade. Or even better barcade. You can enjoy some games, you will have something to talk about, and I know I’ll be able to have fun with it regardless how good of a date it is. But skee ball is the way to my heart.” — TheInternetIsWeird

“This is super boring, but something like mini-golf or a coffee shop is nice. It’s inexpensive and casual, and it’s nice just to talk to the guy and get to know him better.” — SHJB13

“Something really simple probably. A game of bowling or a trip to the amusements would be great. Then if that goes well, head to a bar for a couple drinks. Nothing too expensive for me.” — CarrotReaper

“The last first date I went on turned out awesome, and all we did was meet up at a bar (like 8pm, so early) and there was live music and a pavilion to sit outside. We just hung out and talked, had a few drinks, and it was honestly really nice. We ended up walking around town too. Sometimes simple is a good thing.” — [deleted]

“Ice cream! And then maybe walking in a park or something to get to know the dude.” — abby1371

“Volunteering at an animal shelter. Nothing hard, just walking dogs and playing with cats; it’s actually a great atmosphere for conversation and can be enjoyable even if you’re not connecting with your date.” — FREE_ADVICE_HERE

“Coffee dates are pretty standard, but with good reason. I’ll never understand the movie first date, you don’t get to talk to each other at all! Personally, I like going for a hike. There are nice trails by my house, and it’s just nice to talk while moving around and looking at things. When I moved to the city, this obviously wasn’t as simple.” — whimsicalwrackspurts

“I do not like eating as a first date… For some reason, one place my social anxiety stems from is eating around others. I’m not fully comfortable with it yet. Take me to a movie or to an arcade or something! Or Netflix and actually chilling…” — [deleted]

“I like outside activities like stargazing or fishing or hiking. I don’t enjoy movies or other places that don’t allow for much conversation.” — justgivemetruth

“I would love to attend a concert together on a first date. Both doing something you love and you get to see how he is in a state of freedom, enjoying music in an open setting. I don’t feel like it would be awkward like a lot of first dates, because the music would just take you to an awesome place of being yourself.” — wedonthaveto

“Some of the best dates I’ve ever been on have just been having a few drinks at a nice bar or pub. Meet up with them at 8:30/9 (so after dinner), have a few drinks, talk, maybe some shots. If it’s a Friday or Saturday night, move on to somewhere else. Make a little night out of it. It’s fun to get dressed up and it’s a great way to get to know them. The banter flows more easily and if it is awkward you don’t need to be forced to hang around until a particular time.” — Glitter093