11 Men Reveal Whether They Secretly Like When Women Make The First Move
Vladislav Nahorny

11 Men Reveal Why They Love (Or Hate) When Women Make The First Move

“As someone with severe anxiety and low self-esteem it is honestly the most emotionally supportive and compassionate thing I can experience from a prospective partner.” — gildorratner

“I feel like any guy that actually has a problem with this likely isn’t worth your time. It just feels kind of controlling if you absolutely need to be the one to make the first move. Either that or extremely insecure in their masculinity, having it be undercut by the girl asking you out.” — Gwaidhirnor

“100% for it. But to be honest, it should be clear to me she’s making a move. I’m really bad at reading signals or hints. I have never noticed someone flirting with me, but there have been multiple times that I have been told that someone was flirting with me.” — _Bearded_Dad

“Obviously we’re all for it. But there is a caveat: Be prepared for guys to not have any experience in being asked out. This can lead to some awkward scenarios. For example, since guys normally make the fist move, and thus get rejected and hate the feeling of getting rejected, they might be compelled to say ‘yes’ just to spare the person from a rejection, when in reality they don’t actually want to say yes. So you might find yourself ‘dating’ a guy who doesn’t want to be dating you. Be prepared to be ghosted, or strung along as a last priority.” — svenson_26

“Mostly, the problem with hints is that every girl is different. One girl’s hints is another girl just being friendly and yet another girl indicating she isn’t interested. Hell some girl’s hints are only hints when they like the guy and are just friendly interactions with others every other time they do that action.” — denyjunctionfunction

“I’m all for whoever who wants to make the first move making the first move. Guys, gals, everyone. I just wish they’d stop being so subtle about it, because I can never pick up hints less obvious than ‘Do you want to go on a date sometime?'” — TomReneth

“Who in their right mind would have any objection to this? What kind of maniac would think this is a problem?” — orange_cuse

“By all means. I suck at reading hints and I respect the confidence to break the norm.” — Tuffcooke

“I’m conflicted, on one hand it sounds nice, on the other it’s so uncommon that it’s suspicious, especially if it’s an attractive woman.” — KenmoreToast

“Depends, if you’re like 10, I’m going to assume you’re probably going to lure me into a van with 3 guys who will drug me and harvest my organs. If you’re more like me on the attractiveness scale, I would be probably a bit stunned, but kind of happy about it and go with it. Probably still getting my organs harvested…” — gablamegla

“It’s pleasant and flattering. It can also be painfully subtle, and it’s happened more times that I wasn’t aware of in the moment than I like to remember.” — MrMojoFomo

“Be direct if you expect results. Young guys are bad at taking hints. (Most old ones as well tbh). Also, if they’re not into you, they’re just not. So learn to handle rejection.” — Moss_ungatherer_27