Thought Catalog Agency

11 Powerful Questions to Ask When Self-Love is Lacking

Do I Practice Self-Compassion During Setbacks?

Alright, so things didn’t go as planned. Instead of beating yourself up, ask yourself: “Would I say the same things to my BFF if they were in this situation?” Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you’d show them. Remember, setbacks are just setups for epic comebacks.

Am I Grateful for My Achievements, Big and Small?

Celebrate your wins! Whether it’s nailing that presentation at work or just getting out of bed on a tough morning – give yourself a high-five. Gratitude for both big and small achievements is like watering your self-love garden. It helps those positive vibes grow.

How Can I Incorporate More Playfulness into My Life?

Life’s too short to be serious all the time. Ask yourself, “What makes my heart dance with joy?” It could be belting out your favorite tunes in the shower or getting creative with some crafts. Injecting playfulness into your days and reconnecting to your inner child, will ignite your inner spark.

Am I Nurturing Relationships That Uplift Me?

Surround yourself with people who lift you higher. Evaluate your friendship group – are they radiators or drains? Surround yourself with those who make you feel amazing, who believe in your dreams, and who are genuinely there for you. Quality is always more powerful than quantity. 

Am I Setting Goals Aligned with My True Desires?

Goals are like roadmaps to your dreams. Are your goals in sync with what truly sets your soul on fire? Ask yourself, “Is this goal really mine or something I think I ‘should’ do?” Your goals should light you up, not weigh you down.

Do I Embrace Vulnerability as a Strength?

Being vulnerable doesn’t mean being weak. It’s about showing up as your authentic self, warts and all. Ask yourself, “Am I afraid to let others see my imperfections?” Vulnerability connects you with others on a whole new level – it’s like a superpower. 

Am I Taking Steps to Forgive Myself for Past Mistakes?

Let go of that baggage. We all make mistakes, but holding onto them is like dragging around a heavy suitcase. Ask yourself, “Am I still carrying around guilt or shame?” It’s time to drop that suitcase and move forward with a lighter heart.

What Steps Can I Take to Cultivate a Positive Body Image?

Your body is amazing – it’s your partner on this journey! Instead of picking out flaws, ask yourself, “What do I appreciate about my body?” Focus on what it can do, not just how it looks. Even if you start with small moments of acknowledgment and acceptance each day. 

Am I Letting Go of Toxic Patterns and Relationships?

You don’t need negativity dragging you down. Ask yourself, “Is there a toxic pattern or relationship I need to release?” Surround yourself with energy that lifts you, and let go of anything that’s holding you back.

Am I Exploring New Skills to Boost My Confidence?

Learning something new is like giving your self-esteem a turbo boost! Ask yourself, “What skill have I always wanted to master?” Whether it’s cooking, painting, or even coding – diving into new skills can make you feel invincible.

What Acts of Kindness Can I Extend to Myself Regularly?

Finally, treat yourself like the superstar you are. Ask yourself, “What small acts of kindness can I do for myself?” Whether it’s a bubble bath, a solo movie night, or just a quiet moment with a good book – self-love is in the details.