11 Singles Share Their Unfiltered Thoughts On Their Exes Improving Post Breakup
Anastasiya Lobanovskaya

11 Singles Share Their Unfiltered Thoughts About Their Exes Improving Post-Breakup

“Two men cheated on me and tried to apologize later, saying that my unwillingness to stay with them really taught them a lesson about being a better man. My internal reaction to that is, ‘Gee, sure is nice that I was a necessary causality for your personal growth.’ In terms of more tangible things, I feel like I won both breaks ups though.” — honestgoing

“Truthfully, it sucked at first. They had to wring out their bad, immature parts on me in order for them to grow. But now, seeing and hearing about them doing well, being kind, and being better definitely makes me more happy now. I can’t be forever mad about them for the past mistakes they did and discredit the growth they’ve experienced after me. They’re better people now which means less people will get hurt the way that I did and that’s what matters.” — [deleted]

“One of my exes got married after telling me multiple times he wasn’t the marrying type. When I found out, I was like gee thanks for lying to me.” — B2utyyo

“My ex physically somewhat glowed up, as in he vastly improved his hair and fashion taste. At first I was shocked, and it took me back to how I use to feel about him, and I did for a second regret dumping him. That was until, I remembered how abusive he was.” — [deleted]

“She finished university and accomplished her dream to go to Germany. I’m really happy for her, just sad that she didn’t want me to be part of that dream.” — Skyc2re

“He ended up getting married to someone who loved him very much, buying a home, owning a dog, and having three foster kids. Honestly, sometimes I feel weird about it, other times I know that we would not be happy together.” — [deleted]

“As the one who improved, I feel kinda bad to be honest. I’m the me that she should have got when we were together, so I don’t blame her for leaving.” — Bubbly-Brick

“She finally came out of the closet, actually went to her wedding a few years ago. Happy for her. It’s unfortunate she had to date a piece of shit like me to finally realize who she really was.” — charlie_chapped_lips

“He spent five years with me and I feel like we were both miserable but afraid to say so. After we broke up we both went through it and there was definitely a lot of resentment, jealousy, anger, and sadness. Now we’re both married (to other people) and I see him in posts through friends and he finally seems happy. Like actually happy. And that makes me happy.” — imissmyfriend7890

“Most my exes with very very very few exceptions found their one true love after me, not like a good luck chuck situation, they just kind of found someone after we broke up and they’re all happy now. I don’t think they changed all that much, they just got better at being themselves and it makes me feel good. I am happy for them.” — GarlicAndCheese

“I don’t really keep tabs on my ex-boyfriends. They’re just not worth it. I’m where I want to be and I can only hope they’re where they’d like to be.” — JenovaCelestia