13 Times Couples Hilariously, Accidentally Insulted Their Partner
Lauren Rader

11 Times Couples Hilariously, Accidentally Insulted Their Partner

Sometimes, we say things we don’t mean. It just slips out without thinking it through. Here are some hilarious times couples accidentally insulted their partner:

“My sister was cooking dinner for her boyfriend, and he said, ‘You look so homely right now, it’s adorable.’ To which she replied, ‘That word does not mean what you think it does.’” –[deleted]

“My fiancee said said something along the lines of: ‘I’m only gonna get uglier the older I get.’ And I, being a great fiance, said, ‘Baby, you could never be uglier than you are.’ I was completely serious and meant it in a ‘I could never find you ugly’ way. She took it like a champ though.” — handbra

“I had been playing Skyrim when I got a FB chat alert, so I closed it to check it. It had been my girlfriend (sitting all of three feet away) sending me a quick ‘I love you,’ as we sometimes do, and me, opening mouth, inserting foot, responded by saying out loud, ‘Oh… I thought it might have been someone I wanted to talk to.’” — Vulaas

“We were watching an episode of How I Met Your Mother. They were talking about how, in every relationship there is a settler and a reacher. My fiancé turns to me all sweet like, looks in my eyes and says, ‘Baby, I’m glad I settled…..shit…..reached!’ — sakurapdx

“The first time we had sex, my husband lovingly said, ‘Wow, you could fit a third boob in between those two!’ Twelve years later he still claims that he somehow meant it as a compliment.” — freakedoutbunny

“I once said to my current boyfriend: ‘I have terrible taste in guys.’ Whoops.” — hannahisapalindrome

“My ex and I were in the park on one of the first spring days, I was coming down from the first brownie I’d ever taken. Laying on her lap, looking up at her, I said, ‘I figured out why your eyes are so pretty!’ ‘Awwww! Why??’ ‘Because I can see my face in them…’ SLAP” — moreskrillamoretrees

“After sex we were discussing the birthmark I have on my butt-cheek and my boyfriend said, ‘It helps me tell you apart!’” — jasonisadumbass

“Boyfriend struggles to take bra off with one hand. I laugh and then say ‘Well, [past fling] could do it!’ I immediately regretted it.” — [deleted]

“I love my girlfriend’s legs. Love, love, love them. They’re awesome. So awesome, I called them ‘thunder thighs’ because I thought that the phrase meant they’re great. I have never been more wrong.” — [deleted]

“When me and my girlfriend first started dating we went to buy condoms. She did not want to go in with me so I told her I would do it. ‘I have done this hundreds of times,’ I said. Luckily she had a sense of humor.” — ChillinLikePieFillin