11 Toxic Expectations Women Have For Men
Dejan Krstevski

11 Toxic Expectations Women Should Stop Putting On Their Partners

“Thinking that we will always go out of our way for you. I mean I can’t just always cancel my plans last minute because you’re suddenly available.” — joshmaula

“Making our emotions about them. Why can’t I just be mad? Why do I have to hear how me being mad at my aunt’s cousin’s cat makes you feel? Can I not just feel something completely absent of you? You’re a big part of my life but you aren’t the only part, damn.” — hellotherehomogay

“Holding two different opposing expectations. Like expecting a man to make tons of money but not work long hours. Or expecting someone to be emotionally open but being put off when they’re vulnerable.” — Ok-Assumption-6860

“In the bedroom we have to be the ones to initiate sex, because that’s what a man is supposed to do. Like what? It would be nice if you actually initiated for once and stop getting mad at me for not wanting to initiate every god damn time!” — 3yx3

“Expecting men to fill traditional male roles, but thinking it’s sexist to have to fill traditional female roles.” — Full_Recognition6230

“When their time is their time but your time is also their time. Has happened multiple times and I don’t know what to do about it.” — humkarlega

“Expecting men to be able to read their minds or know what they want in any given situation. And then getting upset and giving the silent treatment. While not exclusive to women, from what I have seen around me it’s more often found in women. Open communication from both sides is the key to a successful relationship.” — Latham_Scandelius

“Some women think they want an emotionally vulnerable partner but the moment their male partner shows emotion they don’t like it. You can’t have it both ways. Men have emotions and deserve to be emotionally supported by their partners.” — jillybrews226

“Expecting a man to never question any of her decisions or where she spends her time, but expecting him to be an open book and allowing her to go through everything any time she requests it.” — HiddenShake

“Always expecting me to pay for everything is high on my list. Sure if I make more and can afford it, I have no problem taking us out. But my recent ex basically expected me to spend the entirety of my disposable income on her. Did that for three paychecks too because she kept promising she would start pitching in when she started her second job… she did not. I hate how my value as a partner is so often tied to my ability to pay for things.” — Swrdmn

“What happened a few times when I was in the dating scene was that they expected me to plan everything and be managing things, and they would just be on autopilot… along for the ride. It’s not a big deal when looking at the bigger picture, but I would’ve appreciated some initiative on their end. It’s added mental load.” — oo—–D

“That we should get the ‘hint.’ If you can’t put it plainly out there, it’s not gonna get my attention and it wasn’t that important to you to begin with.” — Ok_Chocolate3253