12 Happy Couples Reveal How They Knew Their Partner Was Their Soulmate
Quintin Gellar

12 Couples Reveal How They Knew Their Partner Was Their Soulmate

“I was having a mental breakdown and he consoled me. That’s never happened before in my life. I always got in trouble if I showed much emotion with my parents and I never really showed much emotion in front of friends. But with him, the troubles seemed less…. Troublesome. It felt okay that mistakes were made and knowing I had someone on my side made it easier to handle the emotions.” — mrpoteete

“On our first date I asked him a question and after he answered, he goes, ‘I know what you’re doing.’ Turns out we were both so excited about this and knew it was real, we’d googled the NYT questions to fall in love and had been prepared to ask a few. Our first kiss was immediately after this realization. Together from that moment and married for 2.5 years.” — nogoodimthanks

“I always enjoyed taking a trip by myself while in a relationship. The last trip alone, I found myself thinking, ‘This would be more fun if she was here’ for the first time. I knew then that she was the one.” — Wisebutt98

“We’d been dating less than a year when my job transferred me across the country. I went to talk to her, figuring it was going to be a breakup, but instead, she nonchalantly asked, ‘When do we leave?'” — pm_me_ur_cutie_booty

“The first time we went to the library together and got to the checkout and she had her library card number memorized, I knew she was the one.” — belvedereW

“We were cooking in the kitchen. It just happened. There are no words I know to describe the clarity and joy and peace and comfort that I felt, maybe just, home. It was a moment I won’t forget.” — positive_express

“We weren’t having sex yet, but we were sleeping in the same bed. I was cuddled up with my head on his shirtless chest. Woke up in a huge pool of my own drool. Mortified, I grabbed a towel that was thankfully right by the bed, and started to try to sneakily dab it up. He’ll never know. I finally look up at his face to check that he hasn’t stirred, and he is very awake, and watching me clean up my drool with an amused look on his face. Wasn’t grossed out. Didn’t mock me. Slept with me the next night. … didn’t judge me. Knew he was a keeper.” — thesammae

“The time we had our worst fight ever and my every instinct was to walk away forever, but I realized I just couldn’t do it because it would the stupidest thing I’d ever done in my life, so god damn it apparently I was going to stay and we were going to talk this shit out if it took all night.” — Otherwise_Window

“A week or so into dating, we were sitting on my living room floor, discussing our food likes and dislikes. At some point one of us brought up green bell peppers and we both said, ‘God, I hate green bell peppers!’ at the same time. For the both us we have pinpointed that stupid little moment as the exact second that both ‘knew.’ We have been married 25 years this past February.” — youngyeoman

“For my (now) wife, it was her smile. She looked at me in our first few dates and her smile was utterly hypnotic. Like, medusa-level hypnotic. I thought, this is the most beautiful thing I have ever set eyes on in my life, and like 4 days into going out together I said, ‘I think I’m falling in love with you.’ She absolutely shit herself. That was 1993, thirty years ago. Her smile is still as beautiful now as it was then.” — 69-is-my-number

“It was the last night before I had to head back to school. He fell asleep beside me and I was just staring. I was trying to memorize his face and the thought of leaving made me feel sad. At that moment I knew.” — ladync

“When we walked into my house together and my dog was more excited to see him. I knew in that moment.” — Rosington2010