12 Personal Mottos That Will Uplift And Inspire You
Anastasiya Badun

12 Personal Mottos That Will Uplift And Inspire You

When you’re struggling, a personal motto might be exactly what you need to push through the pain or pull yourself up again. Here are a few personal mottos from people on Ask Reddit that could change your life:

Say thanks instead of sorry. Comes from having always said sorry way too much. And I realized I feel a lot better and it is a compliment rather than an insult to myself when I thank someone for helping me rather than apologizing for being an inconvenience.” — jenjenbrownbear

Fail faster. No idea is made fully formed. Your ideas can’t be precious, your ego doesn’t need protecting. Every failure is a chance to get it right.” — claireapple

Work until your don’t need an introduction. Working hard, whether at your job, hobbies, etc. will get you places. Be the best you can be, a well-rounded person. This doesn’t mean just job work. You can work on your relationships with SO or friends. Working on relationships means they will eventually casually talk to people about you. Then when you meet this person, no introduction is needed from all the good things someone has already said about you.” — intoxicated_potato

Does what I am about to do move me closer to or further from my goals? This is not to say that literally everything I do brings me closer to my goals. But I do try to make sure that nothing I do is a step backwards.” — thelogicalredditor

“One personal motto that keeps me motivated and positive is ‘Embrace the Journey.’ It serves as a reminder that life is a continuous adventure with its ups and downs. Instead of fixating on the destination, I focus on appreciating the experiences, lessons, and personal growth that occurs along the way. Every challenge is an opportunity, and every setback is a chance to learn and adapt. It helps me maintain a positive outlook and stay motivated to explore new paths and opportunities in life.” — xAtekx

Comparison is the thief of joy. When I catch up with people, their lives sound like a nonstop highlight reel of amazing things. As I get older, I feel happiness for them rather than envy and I know that there are many struggles that our culture feels uncomfortable discussing. Try not to compare your life to those people who seem to have it better, be happy for them and focus on your own happiness, knowing that success is its own reward.” — teacherDBG

Will this be important a year from now? I deal with anxiety. I get wrapped up in things and my mind makes things bigger than they really are. So I try to chill out and think, will this be as important a year from today? Rarely the answer is a yes.” — AnaLHOLEwrecker

A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. People usually don’t know the second part of the quote, but this has always kept me grounded and reminded me that sometimes it’s better to know more than to be an expert at just one thing.” — arwendorris

I’ll live. Somehow I always live. It’s gotten me through a lot of rough spots as I realize that despite hurting now, or knowing it’s going to hurt, I’ll recover and move on with my life.” — YourFlyingDanger

Leave a room as if you’ve never been there in the first place. By that I mean that if you left some trash, throw it out, if you used some dishes wash them, or put them in the dishwasher. No one likes a person who leaves a mess.” — JustForTheCRINGEE

It’s better to regret something you’ve done than to regret something you haven’t done. Everything will be ok. Don’t worry too much about a test you failed today, or a friendship/relationship that ended, after some time you will be ok and that bad things will be just old memories.” — [deleted]

Tomorrow is a new day. If I’m having a really bad day, I usually say this to remind myself that tomorrow is a new day, and I won’t have to go through yesterday ever again.” — [deleted]