12 Signs They Have A Toxic Personality
Yan Krukov

12 Signs That They Have An Emotionally Draining Personality

“They see others as competition for attention and admiration. If you tell them, ‘Our mutual friend, Becky, saved a kitten from the tree,’ toxic people are inclined to do a few things: 1) They undermine that with a story about them saving a kitten from a much taller tree, or a time when they were stuck in a tree themselves and almost died or something. 2) They question Becky’s motives for saving the kitten. They may also try to bring up that time 5 years ago that Becky cheated on her boyfriend. Pretty much throw anything that can negate Becky’s accomplishment. 3) They may brag about how close they are with Becky, not because they’re proud of her, but because they see it as an opportunity to get attention for being the friend of someone who is in the spotlight.” — WaterFlew

“Assuming that they are entitled to everyone’s stuff, but having a nuclear meltdown when you ask for something. Even when it’s your own stuff you’re asking for.” — [deleted]

“It’s pretty subtle, but when everything they say sounds like they’re trying to teach you something and is long winded and condescending. It’s usually a sign they have a superiority complex. Question – oh do you listen to insert band? Normal answer – Nah they’re not really my thing. Toxic person’s answer – No I don’t actually, and let me explain to you why I don’t. You see, insert long winded rant about how the band is essentially shit and why their own personal music choice is far superior in composition.” — selcouth_devotee

“Always playing the victim. Someone who never admits they are wrong and blame others for everything is very toxic. With time, they can make you think like them. And if you don’t stop yourself, it’s a hard habit to break.” — innitright

“They’re very ‘me, me, me’ and expect you to do things just because they do them. I had an abusive ex who did that a lot.” — [deleted]

“Competitive suffering is one of my biggest pet peeves. If you’re my friend and I come to you because something bad has happened to me, don’t listen for three minutes and then proceed to tell me something worse that happened to you once. I’ve got a ‘friend’ who does this constantly, and more often than not, the worse thing that happened to them seems like a complete lie.” — wennsbrennt

“When they give you backhanded compliments. Something like, ‘I’m amazed someone with your body can look good in that.’ Also people who say negative things about you to make themselves look better.” — TheLegendOfEatingAss

“Their apologies. Good apology= I’m sorry that I made you upset. Bad apology= I’m sorry if you feel upset, but…” — heihey123

“When they make everything about them, yet won’t take responsibility for their choices and actions. (In other words, a narcissist). Basically, if you feel anxious about seeing them (like you’re dreading having to see them and hope they cancel) and/or you notice you feel WORSE after being around them–That’s a sign they’re not someone you need to be around.” — you_are_marvelous

“Putting down waiting staff and other people who serve them. Because they think they’re better than them.” — Chops2917

“When you don’t know them very well and they talk shit about other people in front of you, it probably means they do the same with other people about you.” — TheLegendOfEatingAss

“When they have absolutely no consideration for your time. They don’t care about what you have or want to do. Everything has to involve them. They are being intrusive in your life. They don’t even know that the word ‘boundaries’ existed.” — Marawal