12 Singles Share Their Strict Dating Preferences (That Make A Lot Of Sense)
“They can’t be lazy. I learned waaaay too late in life that my relationships were so much work because I had partners that were just lazy at everything. Professionally, domestically, romantically, it’s kinda messed up how people can want commitment and then commit no effort.” — human_male_123
“Being able to talk with them easily. If talking with someone is like talking with a brick wall, or conversely if they ramble on and on and yet barely registers my own responses when I do get to respond, then it’s just not doable.” — CyberPhoenix125
“Dishonesty. Would prefer someone be upfront about who they really are, instead of lying to appeal to my type of preference in a partner. Would save time for both parties in the long run!” — ilikechicken1993
“Sense of humor, I could probably overlook a dozen things if someone was funny and found me funny. But if someone doesn’t share my sense of humor, or doesn’t have any at all, I will overlook every other green flag because that’s just not a person I can have long deep conversations with.” — AffectionateTwo3405
“I’m not a casual dater so those wishy washy let’s just have fun and not call it anything until I’m ready 12 years from now is a no go for me.” — chinchillerino
“I need someone who’s okay with pets. I’ve lived with pets for so long that I just don’t think I could be without them, not for anyone.” — Poorly-Drawn-Beagle
“I need someone that I can have an intelligent conversation with. If I can’t have that then I begin to feel really lonely in the relationship I’m in.” — Humorilove
“They have to be reliable. Being on time for things and consistently following through with plans is a must. Of course, things happen. I won’t look down on someone for being a little late occasionally, for cancelling plans because there’s been an emergency, or even for saying, ‘I’m not doing great today, can we reschedule?’ But I have a life, and I value my time. I’ve actually been told that I should be ‘more understanding’ when someone shows up two hours late and I’m already gone, or when someone cancels plans after I get to the location. It blows my mind how often I’ve discussed this with someone, just for them to say that I lack empathy.” — TheHappySufferer
“Being open-minded. I can’t interact with people long term who have mental blocks that prevent them from even discussing things.” — IrrelevantPuppy
“I’m in my late 40s and will absolutely not date ‘I’m in the process of a divorce.’ Call me when the ink is dry. Actually a year after the ink is dry.” — 1040Fifth
“This is for after you’ve been dating a while, but being able to open up emotionally. I don’t mean tell me your deepest darkest secrets, but if we can’t talk about our thoughts and feelings (not necessarily relationship-wise), then I don’t see how we can really build a relationship.” — pumpkinator21
“Financial literacy. I’ve done quite well in life so far and the idea of being brought down by someone with terrible finances scares me. They don’t have to be a high earner, just smart with their money.” — rufiohnistram