13 Concrete Signs You’re Dating A Man-Child
Vlada Karpovich

13 Concrete Signs You’re Dating A Man-Child

“They have extremely strict morals and principles when citing them will get them out of doing something. They will drop all morals and principles when ignoring them will get them out of doing something.” — omnombooks

“He breaks stuff and punched holes in walls over things, doesn’t even matter how big or small the trigger. Immediate signal he’s a man child and incapable of regulating himself and his emotions.” — nomadiceater

“Not learning how to perform basic domestic tasks like laundry, dishes, etc. If they make an active decision not to learn those things, it just tells me they want a mommy and not a partner.” — amahler03

“Getting angry when someone rejects you. It’s fine to be disappointed, sad, or even an emotional wreck when you find out someone doesn’t feel the same way you feel about them. But if you’re angry about it, then you think you’re entitled to their emotions – which is childish.” — Naudious

“Weaponized incompetence. Intentionally doing a piss poor job at whatever you’re asked to do just to ensure that you’re never asked to do it again.” — Avalolo

“Putting other men down for liking books or video games while they obsess over sports, Fast and the Furious, and cars. Everyone has a hobby and we all have things we enjoy. Liking video games or books doesn’t make you any less of a man. Acting like watching sports makes you manly always seems like projection to me. How is a guy sitting on his ass watching football games all weekend any better than another guy sitting on his ass reading books or playing video games all weekend? It’s the same damn thing.” — Texas_Totes_My_Goats

“They talk at people without listening or without any sense of empathy, and get quick to anger when called out.” — DannyM8844

“Never owning up to your mistakes, and constantly blaming someone/something else for them.” — GluhfGluhf

“Lack of respect for people doing things for them, even when paid. Being short or rude to servers/staff, not saying thank you and please, etc. Thankfully, this is usually easy to spot on first dates.” — pm_ur_smol_tiddies

“Constantly seeking the validation of multiple people that are the gender they’re attracted to. Nothing screams insecurity like needing a bunch of people to fawn over you.” — xYamiDeerx

“When his mother calls you and ‘orders’ you to stop ‘bullying’ her son. If a grown man has to have his mommy fight his battles for him, not only is he a man child, but he is also a delicate mama’s boy that is not mature enough to be let out of the pampers. Yet alone to be in an adult relationship.” — Amelia_Rosewood

“Man-children are always spreading rumors about their exes, or are telling all your secrets because they don’t know how to be a respectable man to women. Also man-children are always saying all their exes are crazy.” — 8grimreaper8

“Anger in general, honestly. Being irrationally angry when things don’t go your way is so immature. I’ve seen grown adults throw literal temper tantrums over the most minor inconveniences. This applies to every gender as well, not just men.” — gorewhored