13 Emotionally Attractive Qualities Women Want In Men
“The ability to admit fault, and apologize. I’ve watched my parents and family quarrel for years because my father is dead set on never admitting fault. That’s something I don’t want in my relationships.” — InsideJokeQRD
“In my opinion, being level-headed. I grew up with parents who would scream at each other at the drop of a hat. Now, when looking for a partner I search for someone who is able to think before they react, and not the other way around. It may sound like it’s just a personality trait, but I think that it is a skill. It’s learnable, it just takes a lot of practice and commitment.” — willworkforcats
“Patience can be a learned skill. We all make mistakes and big or small, there is no reason to make every fuck up feel like a do or die situation. Having a levelheaded partner who understands this and can help you through the many mistakes you end up making in life makes a huge difference. It’s saved my life for sure.” — RadicalTzar
“A person who understands the meaning of letting the other have their alone time/space.” — Mac_and_dennis
“Emotional intelligence. If he can communicate his feelings AND be confident in his masculinity enough to admit his flaws, feelings, and weakness, I’m totally in.” — HTownTDawg
“Noticing things. My SO remembers comments I made from weeks ago that I never expected him to remember. Or he’ll see my social anxiety go up and he’ll order my food or something for me (and even knows what I do and don’t like food wise).” — SailorFuck
“Reacting well to you: When you make a joke, they find it funny and laugh. When you make a random observation, they add in their own quip. When you bring up a topic, they can delve deep into it and explore it with you.” — redditor_85
“Being able to hold themselves to their responsibilities. It can be little things like watching their own diet from being too stupid to considerably larger things like being able to take care of a pet and keeping it happy and healthy, but ultimately when you’re looking for a partner, you’re looking for someone who has their shit together. Nothing says having their shit together more than knowing your responsibilities and committing to them.” — TehNACHO
“The ability to not turn into a fucking nightmare when they’ve had a few drinks. If your gf/bf turns into a prick when they’re drunk, they really are that prick but can hide it most of the time.” — mcbeef89
“A person who doesn’t need me but chooses to be with me. In a sense, someone who has interests outside of our relationship.” — Xempes
“Being passionate and deeply interested in things. Too cool for school doesn’t look so attractive after about, oh, age 22.” — econhistoryrules
“Discipline. because with discipline you can achieve anything.” — kyngineer
“Being a partner. As in being best friend, having communication, and trusting each other, no questions asked.” — gonzule