13 First Date Questions That Will Give You Genuine Insight Into Who They Are

13 First Date Questions That Will Give You Genuine Insight Into Who They Are

“What movie/tv show/video game/book/form of media was most important to them growing up. It tells you a lot about a formative experience of theirs and how that has helped shape them as they got older.” — deliriousgoomba

“I always ask people about the worst teacher they ever had growing up. It forces people to say something other than yes/no/fine, and it lets me see what people are like when they’re mildly angry.” — [deleted]

“Do you consider yourself lucky? That will tell you loads about what they are grateful for and what they take for granted.” — rolibadjoras

“Ask them where they grew up, which typically leads them to talking about the location and HOW they were raised. I find this incredibly insightful. Also ask about their pets. If they have pets, they will likely spill information about their critter. People can talk about themselves a lot so don’t be shy.” — CritiqueMyGrammar

“If you won the lottery, what would you? Alternatively; if money wasn’t an issue, where would your next vacation be? These kinds of questions get people to open up about their ambitions (or lack there of) outside of the daily grind.” — 7054359639

“I ask what makes them laugh. You can tell a lot about someone by what they find funny.” –[deleted]

“Ask them about something they’re most proud of but rarely get to talk about.” — kukukele

“I like this one: A magic genie shows up, and says he can’t do the standard three wishes thing. What he can do is build you an awesome house, as large as you need, and will give you three rooms that you can do whatever you want in. So what three rooms would your dream home have? You can get some insight into what they’re passionate about and what they value… And as a plus, on more than one occasion I’ve gotten the sex dungeon answer paired with a wink.” — Andrew225

“I ask them what their hobbies and dreams are. That’ll tell you what they do and what they want to both short-term and long-term.” — Meltingteeth

“What’s your favorite book, or at least one you really like?” — BarcodeNinja

“If you could travel anywhere right now, for 24 hours, where would you go and what would you do? This tells me a lot about what they enjoy and if we would get along well.” — Guy_Onthe_Internet

“What are your top 5 favorite movies? Music albums? Books? It tells you if they are passionate about any of those categories (based on how enthusiastic and ready they are to answer). It tells you about their interests, given the content of the books/movies/music they enjoy. It also tells you about how they communicate, because if they happily go on and on about their interests but never ask about yours, that’s kind of a big thing.” — [deleted]

“Do they prefer pancakes or waffles, and why? If they give an answer but can’t tell you why, then they’re either not very culinarily gifted, they aren’t creative enough to come up with an answer, or they don’t enjoy being a little silly. For me all of those are important in a relationship. It also breaks up the standard ‘getting to know you’ questions and can throw them off their game, so you get more of an insight into how they think on their feet. Also you learn about their breakfast choices and how they match with yours, should you ever be in a situation where you might be having breakfast together.” — shiguywhy