13 Green Flags That You’ll Literally Be Best Friends Forever
“1) You can tell that the person is genuinely concerned or truly sad when something terrible and/or heartbreaking happens to you. 2) They become angry on your behalf whenever someone hurts you, disrespects you, screws you over, etc., and they go into protective mode for you. 3) They’ll remind you of all the great things about yourself during those dark times when you can’t see such things so clearly. 4) They remember details about things you’ve discussed with them. 5) They let that song that you love play until the end – even if it’s a song they don’t really dig.” — SquirrellyRabbit
“When you don’t have to talk 24/7 to know that you’re there for each other no matter what. And when you do see/talk to each other again, it’s like no time has passed at all – you just have more stories to tell.” – ridiculoys
“When they don’t try to compete with you, aren’t jealous of you, truly are happy for you when good things happen to you don’t give you back handed compliments and don’t put you down. When they don’t talk bad about you behind your back. Good friends listen to you, care about you, and are there by your side through good and bad times.” — Fitbarbie1
“They text you first when they don’t want anything.” — SilasDeane76
“When you can talk about nothing and talk about deep things. Lots of friends only have one or the other.” — kraftykitten
“Being able to make each other laugh. Really, truly, help-I-can’t-breathe laughter. I didn’t realize how rare it was until it was too late.” — hamanar
“You’ve both picked each other up or dropped each other at the airport at some ungodly hour and still enjoyed the drive.” — findingthescore
“Doing things for you without any expectation of reciprocation.” — RedditRam24
“When they listen to your problems and give you intelligent solutions, or remember something you once told them that was important to you.” — NotAnNSASpySatellite
“When you’re not afraid to disagree with them, because you know they’ll actually listen rather than just hurting you.” — Naweezy
“When they don’t judge you for things you can’t control.” — SheketBevakaSTFU
“They know when something’s wrong and check up on you to see how you’re doing.” — enselord
I’ve always noticed that with new aquaintances that turned out later to become good friends of mine there’s a big focus on respect, consideration, and reciprocity from the get go. Obviously it’s cool to take turns buying lunch for each other but I’ve also hosted new friends that would clean up for me before they left while my old friends leave beer cans everywhere. That new person expressed through their actions ‘I respect you offering your home, that’s why I considered to return you at least a small favor of cleaning up my mess just because I appreciate the relationship we have.’” — Layton115