13 People Dedicated To Self-Growth Share What They Learned In Therapy
“If someone is upset with you, they’ll tell you. And if they don’t tell you then that’s their problem, not yours.” — Ghostly_Leo06
“Don’t punish yourself for a lapse in ‘discipline’ when trying something new. Take a break (whether it’s minutes or days or longer) and try again. It’s not a setback, it’s a readjustment to helping build a stronger habit to give the version of you that you want to be a chance. 10 push-ups today might not seem like much but if yesterday was zero, then 10 is a lot.” — ValBravora048
“I’ve learned self-preservation. I’m not going to watch that video that I know if going to make me upset or angry, I’m not going to argue with people who I know are too dense to understand other point of views. Self-preservation is dope.” — HistoricalHeart
“I would say that I learned your mind has a way to play tricks on you to keep believing negative thoughts. So writing them down or saying the thought and why you feel that way can help. A lot of times the reasons don’t make sense. But when you keep it inside, your brain has a way of making it make sense. For example I feel like a failure a lot for certain reasons. But if I saw someone else with the same things going on I wouldn’t see them as a failure at all. Hope that makes sense.” — zryan3564
“It’s okay to not be okay. This absolutely changed the way I think about being in touch with my feelings and coping with them. My family has always been about appearances so I had to unlearn putting on a mask when I’m not feeling mentally healthy. I don’t know who needs to hear it, but it is okay to not be okay.” — rennenenno
“Sometimes it has to be YOU who needs to walk away from them. This an advice that was given to me when I had a toxic friendship that was draining me for years.” — JennFoogle
“For me, therapy taught me that my personal issues were my responsibility to fix. Blaming others accomplishes nothing. To improve, you have to take responsibility for things in your control.” — nick_otis
“You don’t HAVE TO like your parents. It’s not some sort of requirement.” — 10throwaway123456789
“No one else sees the version of you that you see of yourself.” — Bazooka_Antics
“Things you think may have been a small piece of your timeline actually hold a lot of weight in your current thinking. And it’s good to acknowledge and explore those areas, no matter how uncomfortable at times. Also, it is not an overnight magic trick that fixes everything. You have to work at things from an honest place” — MisterB0vineJoni
“Don’t accept criticism from someone you wouldn’t go to for advice. No one can walk all over you if you don’t lay down on the floor for them.” — slynnmart
“Catastrophizing only enhances your anxieties when the reality of the situation is that 99% of the time it’s much different and much better than you’re thinking in the moment. Give yourself a break, a moment to digest and a moment to wonder what it might be like if the exact opposite of your thoughts are true.” — hoodlumonprowl
“That psychologists are just humans, they can carry the same bias, prejudice, and preconceived ideas about you and your problems as anyone else. Some of them make their mind up about you before you even open your mouth, and you’re allowed to find another therapist if they’re not interested in helping you.” — wanderingzigzag