13 Reminders That Will Make Modern Dating Ten Times Easier
Yael Hofnung

13 Reminders That Will Make Modern Dating Ten Times Easier

“You CAN’T fix him. Only he can fix himself. No, you’re not his special snowflake that he would never get angry at. With time, he’ll turn on you too.” — Kawaii_Sauce

“I know so many people who are clinging to bad relationships because they used to be so good. Of course you’re happy the first few months, you’re high on sex and oxytocin. If you’ve been together for a year, are unhappy but clinging to how nice your SO acted at the beginning of the relationship, you are making a mistake. Your partner had shown his or her true personality and you are wasting your time.” — OtherRunner

“He won’t magically pick up after himself once you move in together. If his place is a mess, that is him showing you what your life living together will be. You can not change someone’s cleaning habits.” — rofosho

“When someone says something like, ‘I’m a mess. I’m not ready for a relationship. I wouldn’t date me right now. You’re too good for me,’ believe them.” — zazzlekdazzle

“If you’re not committed to the relationship, end it. If you’re half-in or cheating or whatever it may be, it’s not fair to the other person (or yourself) to drag the relationship on.” — RompiendoMal

“Having common interests is not the same thing as being compatible. They may listen to the same bands as you, watch the same TV/movies, and even have the same sense of humor or style as you and still be 100% wrong for you. Compatibility is about mutual respect, similar emotional capacities, and conflict resolution strategies, life goals that work well together, and the ability to bring out the best in each other.” — slept_in

“If you see a red flag in the beginning of a relationship, it will not go away.” — DivinelyMinely

“Relationships require both people to participate and and put in effort to last for any half decent length of time.” — DenebVegaAltair

“Long-term relationships are far more about cooperation and mutual respect than love and feelings. Decades in, those initial reactions are long gone, and they can be replaced by even deeper senses of bonding and appreciation, or resentment and disdain. Each interaction is a step in one direction or the other.” — ReasonablyConfused

“There is no perfect person. Work hard to become the best person you can be instead of spending all your energy finding someone perfect. If you are happy with yourself it’s far easier to find someone who enhances that happiness.” — streamstroller

“Be honest, even it hurts the other person’s feelings. The best thing you can do it be honest with yourself, and come to terms with whatever you’re thinking on your own before you bring it up. Also, it’s super important to maintain your own identity. Don’t get lost in someone else because that’s where resentment stems from.” — Veggiemnstr

“What you need to stay in a long term relationship is that both people want to be in that relationship. That’s pretty much it, but while it takes two people to want it to make it last, it only takes one to decide to leave and the relationship is immediately over.” — zazzlekdazzle

“Girls, when a guy tells you he isn’t looking for a relationship, he isn’t. Nothing you can do will change that and some guys will get in a relationship, but eventually will just cheat on you. Also, do not broadcast your relationship. Nobody cares if you are sad insert obvious quote about your shitty bf/gf. Don’t fight online, post things showing your relationship problems. Keep it private and you will be surprised how easily you can talk things out. Another plus is that people will just assume your relationship is great. Everybody fights, argues, and has little spats, but I think keeping that between myself and my girlfriend has created a great quality of life.” — [deleted]