13 Things Every Parent Should Tell Their Child
Thiago Zanutim Lucas

13 Things Every Parent Should Tell Their Daughter

Tell me more! Kid ramblings can be annoying at times, but if a kid is excited about something or feeling something deeply, listen. It can mean so much to them.” — honeysugarbean

I will never be mad at you in the moment when you need help. If my kid calls me and is drunk/high or whatever, I don’t care. I want you safe and right now, you’re making a great decision by calling or texting me to get you. That takes balls and trusting in the parent. I wouldn’t want to destroy that.” — captainjoah

Speak up. Say what’s on your mind. So many kids are taught it’s rude to talk back to your parents that it sometimes rob them of the confidence to speak up anywhere.” — [deleted]

I appreciate your input. You won’t always be right and what you say won’t always change my mind but I still value your opinion. Communicate with your kid, most of the time you will know better than they will but at least listen to what they have to say. Remember to also keep an open mind and be willing to compromise.” — Aussieboi393

Sometimes, friends you trust will manipulate you. Parents should teach their children what manipulation is and how to avoid it… Because it isn’t so black and white.” — NotDepressed1224

“Express that it’s okay to feel uncomfortable and not want to do something. I saw a post where a mother taught her daughter to say hello but if she didn’t want a hug or a kiss on the cheek she was never forced to do so. If the kid felt comfortable she would do it. Expressing that this is ok seems pretty important IMO.” — [deleted]

“What to do in an emergency. If the fire alarm goes off they should know that they need to get out of the house. Don’t look for mum and dad. Don’t hide under the bed. Get out. They also need to know how to call emergency services. If a parent collapses, the child may be the only person around to make the call.” — HMCetc

“Consent and boundaries regarding your own body. You don’t have to do ANYTHING sexual if you don’t want to and if anyone tries to pressure you into it they’re being disrespectful and aren’t worth your time. Wish my parents had taught me this” — emimagique

It’s all right to make a mistake, as long as you can admit it and grow from it.”LordPassionFruit

“A good parent shouldn’t be afraid to apologize to their kid when they’re wrong.” — Dr_Julian_Helisent

It’s important to be kind, but you don’t need to be everyone’s best friend. Some people are just not going to like you, and that’s okay. It goes both ways. Also being a kid/teenager is fucking hard work. It gets so much better after high school, I promise.” — AliCracker

You are loved, you are wanted, and regardless how you choose to live your life I’ll always love you.” — Drowzi1990

Always have an open mind before coming to an opinion. Question and research the facts before blindly following someone else’s lead.” — ignatious__reilly