14 Romantic Ways To Surprise Your Boyfriend This Winter
If you’re wondering what your boyfriend wants, here are some suggestions from real men (and their girlfriends) from Ask Reddit:
“Hugs from behind while I’m on the computer, random back rubs, initiating sex, bringing home some kind of food.” — BossLackey
“That thing he likes that you don’t know much about? Movie, musician, game, whatever – you know the one, he’s mentioned it a couple times and you just kinda grin and shake your head? Experience it with him. I was once surprised by a girlfriend bringing over a DVD of Blazing Saddles and a BBQ chicken pizza. Hell yes I put a ring on it.” — sgol
“I’m a girl, but I had my husband’s mom teach me some of her recipes (even simple ones), and my husband is thrilled every time I make that food.” — Saraduckins
“I might be the only guy in the world with this opinion, but if my partner got me flowers for no reason whatsoever, I’d cry engagement rings and puppies and children.” — TehMulbnief
“Figure out what little things cause him stress at home. Does he always run around the house panicked in the morning looking for his wallet and keys worried he’ll be late for work? Does he dread ironing? Fix these things when he’s not looking, just leave the results out for him to find when you are not there. When I found a girl that did this I didn’t look back.” — RevMick
“I’m always a sucker for random affection. My mind gets in my way sometimes, if that makes any sense, and when my girlfriend randomly plays with my hair, or takes my hand, or sidles up next to me just to be close, or does any number of other affectionate things, I just appreciate her all the more. It’s that kind of stuff that keeps me grounded and helps with my worry and anxiety.” — Tarcanus
“Initiate/spontaneous sex. It makes me more confident, boosts my self worth, and in general just makes my week.” — Rs90
“Make him dinner. A nice homemade meal is always special. Can’t cook? No problem! Order in and set a really nice table with real dishes.” — [deleted]
“Eye contact, ‘Hey FIRST NAME, I love you and appreciate how hard you work.’ Hug.” — PointClickPenguin
“I give my boyfriend foot rubs on the regular. He’s in the army so he’s on his feet all day and nobody has ever rubbed his feet before. I use lotion and the whole nine. He loves that shit.” — NinjaKTron
“Just a compliment once in a while would be nice.” — Colossal_Chaz
“Girlfriend here, the most fun surprise/lovey thing I’ve probably ever done is turn the entire living room into a blanket fort before he got home. I spent HOURS tying all my blankets to strings and hoisting it on the ceiling and then dragged the mattress and tons of pillows inside. I bought tons of pizza and random snacks he mentioned he used to eat when he was a kid and we spent the entire weekend (and actually the following weekend because it was so fun) in our fort watching Saved by the Bell.” — Bell12754
“My boyfriend loves to be the little spoon, so I am always his ‘jet pack.’ He doesn’t have to deal with my hair in his face, and he loves it!” — princesslavender
“Something thoughtful that shows how well you know him and how much you care about him. It’s a vague thing to say, but really the key is thought and effort. Like maybe make him his favorite comfort food for dinner (it doesn’t have to be fancy), have his favorite booze and sit down to watch his favorite movie, all without saying anything. Do something special without coming out and saying ‘I’m doing something special for you!'” — Kijafa