14 Women Reveal Surprising Facts They Learned About Men Late In Life
Andres Molina

14 Women Reveal Surprising Facts They Learned About Men Later In Life

“They are not criticizing women’s bodies as much as women are led to believe (maybe by themselves or whomever is driving this culture). They are far more accepting of how women look naturally than women themselves. This was such a game changer for me.” — RedFox_SF

“Some actually want a real relationship and not just sex.” — Anxious_Dimension5

“Men are sensitive. They want intimacy, connection, a sense of community, and acceptance. So basically, they are human – even if it’s deep down and not immediately apparent.” — leighwoods

“There are a lot of men who like or even prefer my chubby body. I’ve always thought I needed to be skinny to be attractive.” — Iamwinning2022too

“If you show them exactly how much you appreciate them they are more likely to be motivated to complete a task than if you nag them.” — Odd_Responsibility62

“I am constantly floored by how little some men know about their close friends’ lives! I know multiple men who speak to their best friends super regularly, but could not say with certainty if they’re single, what kind of work they do/where they work, etc. I don’t understand it at all, but I just keep meeting men like this.” — suavislupa7

“When they say they don’t know why they feel a certain way they ACTUALLY don’t know. I find it surprising and I couldn’t trust it the first time.” — nodontgetheavy

“They take compliments very seriously. As in, you give them a compliment and they treasure it like the world. It’s very sweet that they value them so much, but also kind of sad that they don’t feel appreciated to a point where a simple ‘You’re very nice’ or ‘You’re really funny’ is solid gold to them.” — YourClairyGodmother

“Most men don’t actually know how to fix things. They just pull it apart and put it back together again and hope for the best.” — lurkyturkyducken

“Men have similar insecurities about their bodies as women do.” — Rxgrl1981

“I’m shocked that some women genuinely don’t think men suffer from mental health problems. I’ve heard ‘he’s lazy’ or ‘he expects the woman to do everything’ when 60% of the time it’s just him being depressed as shit.” — PeachymooGaming

“When they are staring into space and you ask them what they are thinking about and they say ‘nothing,’ they either don’t remember or it is usually too complex/dumb to explain.” — TheGoodExample

“A lot of them are afraid to open up, to cry and actually NEED someone. Society has made it so unacceptable for men to be what we somehow deem as weak, while women expect them to be warm and sympathetic to every little problem we have. It’s a lot of pressure. Let the men in your lives know it’s ok to FEEL, like really feel emotions other than sex is good and me want sandwich.” — Objective_Ad4887

“Men run on affection. It’s baked into us. If you want a good relationship with a man, show some small affection. Nothing necessarily sexual, but an occasional pat on the back, a hug, shoulder rub, stand arm in arm, hold a hand for a moment, etc.” — LongTimeHuman