15 Attractive Things Men Do That Women Secretly Swoon Over
“Rolling up the sleeves and crossing your arms. Also guy cleavage is pretty great too.” — -smalltittypunkgf-
“I’d like to formally submit: When they’re driving in reverse and they do that twist to look over their shoulder and they grip the back of the passenger seat. I caaaaaan’t.” —voodooemporium
“A guy in a tie, when they like loosen it a little. Or when they’re doing it up, something about that action makes me want to undo it and go to pound town. Also, a guy cooking anything. Especially with fire. Or a guy just out of the shower, wet hair, topless in jeans, butt looking cute, spraying deodorant. Mmm. Smelling good is a huge thing for me.” — Soft_Cookie25
“Showing their dimples. I don’t know what it is about them but women absolutely love them. If you’re even averagely attractive and can hold a conversation, eye contact and a smile is a killer.” — bomdia10
“Wearing tight shirts that show off muscles.” — RathGodofWar
“My wife told me that a guy in a well fitting suit is to her what a woman in lingerie is to men. ZZ Top was right. Every girl crazy ’bout a sharp dressed man!” — Matelot67
“My female friends go crazy over grey sweatpants, nothing even sexy just men wearing them. “ — PurpleMonkeyEdna
“What’s that line of hair called that leads from the belly button down to the pubic hair? When guys lift up their shirt slightly and show that.” — CreepyPandaMan
“Biggest one: Clean, trimmed, and filed fingernails on clean, well managed hands. Yes please.” — Sleepy_Little_Fjord
“Sexy side smirks/smiles. Ya’ll know exactly what you’re doing with that.” — mtotheija
“Honestly, good grooming. A fresh haircut and a shave can make the most scrunkly man look 10x better. Ya’ll, I am not talking about shaving the whole ass face, just trim that shit up and make it look crisp. Invest in your appearance and you’ll be drowning in women. 30-50 bucks is a worth while investment. Or learn how to do it WELL at HOME.” — The_Ivy_Hawke
“Flexing biceps I suppose. Especially when young I notice guys tend to do those poses (either standing or leaning against table/counter) which show off the size of their biceps when they are around girls they obviously find attractive. They also do that ‘I’m making my shoulders look wide’ pose. I live someplace very warm, so unbuttoning a shirt to show off chest/abs is fairly common too. Now what really works is that roguish half smile that smooth players have down pat. I’ve seen guys get away with a lot of things thanks to that smile.” — sharielane
“Wearing basketball shorts/sweatpants and obviously no underwear. It might be just as much showing off to impress other guys for all I know, but I’m gay so I’m all for it either way.” — ParsleySnipps
“Ironed button down shirt, untucked, with the cuffs rolled up to the elbows. Bonus points if he has sleeve tattoos.” — Blue_Eyez813
“When men rub their stubble and it makes that bristly noise.” — 50ftjeanie